Chapter 21

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John B got in the passenger seat and JJ drove the car to Barry's place. "Welcome to crackhead wasteland." Kie remarked at the worn out looking house and trailer. I got a sick feeling in my stomach when I remembered being here the other night.

"I don't know about this." Pope started. "Why are we at Barry's."

"This'll only take a second." JJ told us and got out to go into his house.

"Where are you going?" John B asked him.

"Ju this isn't a good idea Barry held me at gunpoint remember?"

"Yo soy justicia." He responded, and kept going. John B sighed, and then followed him inside. A little while later they came back out and JJ was holding a rucksack. "Alright so we're looking at about five grand each for putting us through that bullshit." Wait, he stole Barry's drug money?! "Sorry about that y'all."

"So that's what we're doing now? we're robbing drug dealers?" Kie asked him.

"This Barry guy's gonna find out." Sarah warned him.

"She's right JJ he's gonna come after us." I told him, and he looked at us angrily.

"How'd you guys like having a gun pulled on you?" He threw at us, and I know this isn't going to end well.

"Alright relax man." John B stepped between us.

"He had it right here on you bro." JJ went to touch his head.

"Look we have to get the gold okay? Just give me that shit we're putting it back." John B tried to take the rucksack and JJ pinned him to the car angrily.

"You feel like a tough guy? Huh?!" John B hissed. "What are you gonna do when he comes for us?! I watched him waiting for his response.

"Then we punch him in his fucking throat." JJ replied emotionlessly. It's no use, right now he's so blacked out with anger he can't even think about how bad taking this money is.

"Yeah great fucking idea JJ." John B replied.

"I'm not putting it back." JJ stood his ground, and got into the back of the car. He saw that no one was getting in and he got out with a huff. "What?!"

"We're sick of your shit!" John B told him.

"Oh! My shit?!"

"Yes, you're pulling guns on people shit." Kie added.

"Your going insane and-"

"Pope I took the fall for you man!" JJ reminded him. "You know how much money I owe because of you?!"

"I'm gonna pay you back!" Pope argued. "And I didn't even ask you to do that!"

"I just it back." JJ replied, getting in his face. "Right here, right now, by myself. he looked around at all of us. Everyone stayed silent, hoping he'll back down but it's JJ so of course he did the opposite. "You know what..." He started. "I think I'm just gonna go off then, by myself." He turned to leave and I felt my heart breaking.

"JJ!" I tried to go after him, and he turned just as John B grabbed my arm to stop me. He needs space right now, so the best thing we can do is let him go.

We decided we're going to regroup at Kie's dad's restaurant. The drive was silent as no one wants to address what just happened there.

Once we got inside we all sat down at one of the tables. "Look he'll come around's just, he's doing a JJ thing." John B stated, as everyone seems pretty down about him taking off.

"You think he'll go home?" Kie asked, and I shook my head.

"I hope not." I would feel horrible if he did after learning that his dad abuses him. Pope let out a sigh before changing the subject back to the gold.

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now