Ch 43

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"First It was Martin, now Hardin" Xavier said to Lucas as he boiled in anger on the inside. He was loosing his mind.

"She did say they dated before"Lucas shurgged.

Xavier leaned back on his seat, puffing out a distressed air from his mouth. "I wonder what she even saw in him" he muttered under his breath.

"And the contract husband is jealous" Lucas teased.

"Why are you so good at sensing the exact opposite of my emotion?"

"Come on, I have known you since like forever. There is no way what i sensed is the opposite"

" I don't love her" Xavuer blurted out of nowhere.

"I didn't say that, did I? "

"That's what you were implying"

"You are just trying to convince yourself you don't love her. I know deep down you do. I have never seen my brother look at a woman or a man the way you look at her"

"She is my wife, how else am I supposed to look at her?"

"The two of you are in for buisness, but it seems the both of you are slightly deviating"

"Stop it Lucas"Xavier snapped. He hated being in a tight spot.

"It's not a bad thing" lucas chuckled.

It wasn't a bad thing, but Xavier couldn't just admit to himself that he actually loved Amelia. He still believed the marriage was strictly business and whenever he dealt with business, he always kept his feelings far away from it.

"I want to kill Hardin and Martin once and for all"He blurted out without thinking.

"How many times have you attempted that?"

"Don't mock me"

"I'm being reasonable. Those two are going to be hard to take down"

"Hard, not impossible"

"You are relentless"

"Why won't I be when one of them tried to kill me wife"

"You claim you don't love her, but you are ready to kill for her"

Xavier was taken aback by the statement. Lucas had a point. Why would be kill anyone because of Amelia. She wasn't his real wife, but he still felt the need to protect her. Even with that realization, it didn't stop him from relishing the idea of getting Hardin tortured for laying his hands on Amelia.

"I just want to keep her safe"

Lucas smirked. "Of course you do"

"Don't do that"

"Sorry" he shrugged. "Well, if you want to have them killed, you need to think very well. Hardin is powerful and strong, but with Martin, he is way stronger. Getting rid of them will be harder than you think"

"I know this" Xavier snapped, already getting impatient.

"Let's stick to Hardin first. That have something going, so if we kill Hardin, that will throw Martin off. He will be vulnerable and we can kill him"

I chuckled unamusingly. "You don't know Martin as much as I do. He doesn't care about anyone, but himself. Nothing makes him vulnerable"

"So what should we do then? "

"We should go for Martin and watch Hardin suffer in grief before taking him out"

The plan was sealed, but what they didn't know was, the two demons were the same. Birds of the same feather flocked togethers.

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