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She didn't know why, but Martin abruptly brushed through her mind almost immediately. With the way Xavier acted that day, it was certain there was an undying tension between both of them

One look at Xavier and she noticed the tiredness, anger, and hurt his face held. The phone had already stopped ringing. She walked towards him once more, stealthily, trying not to get punctured by the broken glass.

Standing in front of him, she stayed with her hand akimbo, looking at him like a mother staring down at her child.

Xavier didn't look at her, he was just too angry to do so. He just sat, head bowed and fingers supporting his head.

"Now, will you tell me what the problem is?"

"I'm not in the mood to do so"

"I have every right to know because you made this place a pig style due to your anger," she said and a sigh escaped from his lips. He was trying his best not to lose his mind due to her stubbornness.

"You have no right to show exhaustion toward me. I am just as pissed as you could probably be. I mean, look at the place" she said, looking around.

Xavier just stared at her blankly. He was too angry to even speak, and he seemed to be making things harder for her. It was certain that even though he tried to shake her off, it wasn't going to work, rather she would linger until she got what she wanted. Amelia was very stubborn. That was typically her characteristic.

"You almost thrashed the TV if I wasn't here to stop you"

"And you care so much about the TV?"

"Of course I do. I care solely for the TV, not for you. I mean you aren't that important to me anyway" she folded her arms under her breast. The look she had on her face while making the statement made him feel the need to erupt into laughter.

Whenever Amelia was around, it was just so impossible to stay angry. Her personality was so lovely that Xavier found a certain likeness to it.

"And what were you taught to do whenever you see a person angry?"

"I wasn't taught anything"

"I assumed"

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Are you so dumb not to know to leave when a person is angry?"

" I don't do that. That's not my style. If I ever see a person angry, I have to find out the reason before doing anything and I can't just leave, my nosey self won't let me"

"So you agree you can be nosey at times?"

"Maybe" Amelia shrugged. "And guess what? "

"What? "

"You aren't angry anymore," she smiled proudly. When the statement registered, Xavier realized she was right. Just like magic, his anger faded away. That was something that hardly happened. It caused him to wonder what kind of powers Amelia possessed.

"What makes you say that" he pushed on further even though it was a certainty he wasn't angry anymore

"You are like an open book, so easy to read"

"That's ironic. Most people say I am like a closed book, hard to read".

"I'm your wife, I know you better than them," After the words left her lips, she realized how absurd she sounded. Typical Xavier would have shunned her and reminded her she was just a fake wife, but he remained quiet which was surprising. Xavier felt awkward due to the silence and turned to leave

"Where are you going? "

"Out, to cool my head," he said and almost immediately confusion clouded his thoughts. "And since when did you start caring about where I went?"

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