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Saint and I were in his car in silence, outside of my house.

"This is it?"he asked while looking ahead, refusing to look at me.

"Yeah, I guess, I gotta go inside"I said opening the door, he got out of the car and came over to my side, waiting for me to get out car, he took my stuff out.

"Goodbye."I said taking my stuff and walking towards my front door, I didn't wanna turn around to see how he looked or how he was feeling.

I went inside and shut the door, when I got inside my mother was in the kitchen, she immediately came towards me and pulled me into a hug as I cried "what happened to you baby?"

"I'm okay."I sniffed.

"No baby tell me what happened, what happened to your lip?"she asked as I wiped my tears.

"Is everything okay?"I heard a voice, I turned to look at it was Dmitri.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I was worried about you Evelyn, so I came over and your mom told he to stay for tea."he explained "I'll leave if need be."

I shook my head "no, I need to speak to you in private...my room."I pointed.

He followed me and I shut the door.

"I need someone else to handle the Santana case...I can't do this anymore."

"Why? He beat you didn't he?"

I shook my head no.

"Evelyn why are you protecting him?"Dmitri asked "you're better than this, he put his hands on you, we gonna open a case and he's gonna get arrested okay?"

"I don't want to open a case against him."

"Why not?"

I didn't answer him.

"You fell in love didn't you?"he question"you fell in love with him."

"Dmitri please, I need you to take me off the case."

"I will...under one condition, if you open a case for assualt."

"Why would you give me such an altimatum.."i sniffed "I don't want him to get into trouble"

"He can't keep getting away with everything Evelyn...this is not how I know you, you're vulnerable, look at you..come on..what else did he do? He beat you and then what?"

"I stabbed him, I was going to turn the tapes in but he caught me and he wouldn't let me leave with them so we got into a physical altercation, so I stabbed him tryna get away, but he overpowered me, he tied me up and stitched himself, the next morning I got a letter, from Danisha, she's Saints deceased's brothers wife, and she told me to run, so I went back and took my stuff and he- he agreed to let me go."I told Dmitri the story or how things went down.

"You stuttered."he pointed out "you intentionally skipped a detail what is it?"

"We had sex."

"Did he make you?"

I shook my head no.

"He manipulated you into sleeping with him after everything he put you through?"Dmitri asked, clearly furious "that's it, get up, we going to open a case, right now."

"Get up."he repeated.

"No I don't want to lay charges"

"So what the fuck do you want to do Evelyn?"he asked sitting next to me on the bed.

"Nothing at all."I shrugged "you should leave."I got up and, leaving him seated in my room as I went to go take a shower.

After taking a shower I decided to go out for a jog.

This was something I use to do but things changed dramatically over the past few months

I left the house and began my jog, I ran around the neighbourhood seeing people who I hadn't seen in so long.

I steadily jogged looking and admiring the place I once loved but it didn't feel the same.

In the midst of all this I fell, scrapping my knee on the ground"shit"I mumbled under my breath.

"You okay mama?"I heard a deep voice ask me making me finally look up to see who had came to my defence...it was Trey.

Trey lived like 2 streets away from mine, I knew him because we went to highschool together.

"Y-Yes...I'm okay thank you"I said still on the ground.

"Need a hand?"he extended his hand out.

"No, no thank you"I said getting up for myself.

"Thank you...uhm, I should probably go home now"I looked away from him, dusting off my clothes.

"Let me help you with that"he nodded at my wound.

"No"I said.

"I insist I mean after all  we know each other"he insisted.

"No really it's okay......Trey".

"It's not okay.....Shakira come on"he addressed me by my name which took me by surprise because nobody called me that anymore.

"Okay, fine"I sighed.

He nodded and we began walking back to his house, we got there in no time and he led me inside.

"Trey son.....you back, I was just making breakfast it's actually a recipe I saw online and it's so delicious I need to make it for your dad too, would you like some- oh..... Shakira"his mom said when she noticed me then her eyes reverted to my knee.

"What happened to you, Trey get the first aid kit she needs help,what happened sweetie"she walked towards us.

"I got it mama relax"he gave her a gentle smile showing his perfect teeth once again.

"Okay"she sighed "will you be okay?"she asked me.

"Yes Mrs Reeves" I nodded.

"Call me Anaya sweetheart".

I nodded with a faint smile.

Trey led me to his room and sat me on the bed pulling out the first aid kit.

"I just came through cause my mama asked me to come see her since I ain't never around no more, I moved 6 years ago"he mumbled disinfecting my wound.

"Cool"I plainly said.

"It's been long since we kicked it, we last kicked in 9th grade."

"That's an odd thing to remember-"

"Trey mama said you need to take her car to the car wash later today"a late  teenage looking girl bust in the room.

"You really need to stop busting in my room like that Star, I got the message now go away"Trey waved her off.

"So it's Trey and Star? Is she your sister? How old is she? "I asked.

"Well her name is actually Starlight and she just turned 20 last week"

"You go for walks every morning?"he added on,I shook my head no.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asked putting two plasters on my knee.

If only he knew what I had just gone through.

"Oh I do"I smiled "just not to you".

"Well, it's all done"he sighed, "you haven't changed have you? Still ol stuck up Shakira brown, just because she's pretty she think she can be rude."


"You got a man?" He asked "you moving like you got a man."

I didn't but I still had a weird sense of loyalty towards Santana that I had to let go of.

"Trey don't play with me right now we too grown for this shit." I said before I walked out of his room.

"I'ma Holla at you."he yelled as I walked out.

"No you won't."I yelled back.

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