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Evelynn Brown.

"you okay?"Dmitri asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."I took a deep breath "I'm just nervous."

"Why would you be nervous."

"The first time I attended these parties I wasn't a cop and now I am a cop I mean what if they detect my ear piece."

Dmitri put his hand on my lap "you're safe, I promise."

"Whatever you say, let me go in before someone recognises you."

"Good luck."

I got out of the car in my little beige dress and walked towards the driveway where the security was.

"Eve Brown."I said.

He checked the guest list and looked up at me "have fun."he nodded at me, opening the gate.

I made my way to the house, pushing past dancing people to make my way to the bar.

"Having fun?"I asked Saint.

"You came."he chuckled "I thought I'd never see you again, you were so adamant last time."

"That's last time."I said taking his cocktail and taking a sip.

"You here to party or are you here to go upstairs?"he asked looking me up and down.


He walked ahead indicating he wanted the same thing.

"So you're gonna have sex with him, again?"Conan asked in my ear piece.

"Let me do this my way."I mumbled walking towards the stairs.

"Whatever."he sighed.

I walked to his room and as usual the lights were off and the moon light luminated the room.

"There's so many girls here."I said, referring to the fact that he seemed to always sit by the bar alone .

"Many girls ain't you."he shrugged getting out a ready made blunt.

He lit the blunt up and the weed stench hit me like a storm.

I rubbed my nose and visibly grew uncomfortable, which he noticed.

"You don't smoke?"

"No."I shook my head leaning against the door.

I didn't know why he was wasting time, instead of just doing what we came here to do.

He came towards me and put the blunt to my mouth "try."

I took a puff and immediately started coughing up a storm.

He chuckled "you doing great."

"Why don't you speak in full sentences, the most you can say is like 5 words"

"Because I know you 12."

My heart stopped beating, the world stopped.

"What?"I laughed "no...no way you're wrong."

"Question is, why haven't you snitched, you know my parties are just major drug deals in disguise"

"I didn't know that."Conan said in my earpiece "we could've raided him"

"Uhm I'm not doing this with you."I reached for the door but he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"Should I send backup."Conan asked.

"No."I plainly said.

Saint reached towards my ear and pulled out the small ear device.

"I'm half deaf, that's not what you think it is."

Born SinnerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin