Building Bridges and Planting Trees

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Daenerys POV

Next day

The next morning I wake up sharply from the dream I had of what happened at the iron throne. I shed a few tears for the person I was idealistic and sensitive but strong yet it never mattered. I'm almost relieved that I am no longer in my own time in a place where I could never have amounted to what I truly am; a dragon, for Westeros had lost their love of dragons long ago. I guess I can thank my mad father and my pathetic brother for the most recent hatred of dragons besides me.

I look to my children and decide for myself that the life I will create here will be better than my last I will protect my children better than I did in our last lives for they are All I currently have in this world and I know that in the next one they will still be there for me Balerion was well over 200 years old when he died. My children are the only place I find my peace whether it's flying or just sitting here surrounded by them feeling the bonds in the warmth and knowing that of everyone, I could count on them to never betray me.

I turn my attention to the books and go look for one on dragons hoping against everything inside of me that there will be a way for me to find information from old Valyria on how they took care of their dragons and things that I could have never imagined growing up on the streets of Essos with only my brother, who was but a child himself, to tell me stories. About halfway through my search of the books I find what I am looking for, at least I believe so. I take the book outside of the nest, all three of my children join me as I sit in the clearing. I lean up against Drogon and get myself comfortable so that I may read. A couple of hours later Viserion and Rhaegal are playing when Caraxes and Daemon show themselves to us.

"Little Dragon"

"Princeling". I say without looking up from my book.

"What are you reading?"

"A book from Old Valyria. About dragons." I finally look up and see Daemon standing over me with a little upturn of his lips as though he is trying not to smile.

"You do not know enough about dragons? You have three."

"Did you not pay attention yesterday, big dragon? I grew up on the streets of Essos starving most days. There are not many books to read when you live on the streets and in alleys and do not have the money to eat let alone buy books. He looked at me with pity at that. I do not want your pity Daemon, it was long ago, and it helps no one to feel badly for the child I was. I grew up. I was strong enough to survive when my brother was not. He did the best he could back then, but he was the only one who could remember our losses. He was alone in his grief. When he sold me to the Dothraki he thought it would finally bring us home. Now I am here. With my children. Reading whatever books I please, my dragons hunt for me so I may never have to feel the pains of hunger again, and hopefully I will have you to help me save our family."

"What do you think we need saving from? There is not much that could hurt a dragon and we have plenty of them. We rule the skies and the land, our cousins rule the seas. We are strong."

"What could harm a dragon but another dragon? Your brother is led around by his Hand, honestly too weak for his position. The Maesters are in the Hightowers pockets. I think it is a wonder no one questions why Aemma has such a difficult time conceiving or bringing children to term. Otto is an ambitious man, but patient. He plays the game well. You have no true interest in the Throne besides keeping our family on it and protected, but Otto is constantly whispering to your brother. The Velaryons are strong enough. For now."

As Daemon takes in my views I notice understanding dawn on him and he moves towards me urgently. "What do you mean about Aemma and the Maesters. Targaryens have always had trouble with children."

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