They Would Leave Me Next to a Volcano

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When I came to again I look around to ascertain where the gods decided to implant me in this century. I do not recognize the place from where Drogon has perched themself. I decided to look down and see a gods damned volcano. I know I do not burn, but that fall would still kill me. I urge Drogon to find literally anywhere but a volcano to take his rest. We fly towards a gigantic dragon glass structure that allows for dragon landings. When Drogon lands I start climbing down ad go to his head. I scratch his scales reverently and express my love though the bond along with my happiness to have him so soon after my first death. Drogon starts purring at me and sending love back to me through our connection. I ask Drogon to watch over me while I search the building for anything that would be useful for us, to which he nudges me with his acceptance.

As I turn I pull my new Valyrian steel sword out, unknowing what I am about to walk into. As I search the room I see dragon carvings, paintings, and Valyrian script along the walls. I turn again and see a long table with daggers, swords, tomes, and gold. As I walk forward I look for bags to carry the items on Drogon. I get to the first tome and notice immediately that it is in high Valyrian. The title is Valyrian Freehold Agriculture, I decide everything I find that I am going to take will be put on this table. I go to the next room and find more gold, tomes, and the best thing yet; a Valyrian steel crown with an amethyst in the middle of two roaring dragons. In this room there are a few bags too large to carry around for a human, so I start packing these items and putting them in my staging area.

In the third room I find dragon eggs and am immediately excited by the prospect of hatchlings. I grab all ten as none looks like the others; green, gold, blue, purple, silver, orange, and black for starters. As I continue walk around and stuffing the bags with everything of value I can find. I notice the sun is starting to go down and make my way back to the original room. When I get there I make sure everything is secure in their bags and hope that these will stay on my children during flight. When I am finished I call for Viserion first as they are the calmest of my children, the most eager to please, for sure. And when they land I explain what I wish to accomplish and show the contraption to them, with their acceptance I fit the bag onto them connecting with their mind to ensure Viserion is comfortable. When finished I ask them to fly a little to assess the security of the items. With a hum of approval I ask for Rhaegal next and they need little prompting after watching what had occurred. The second bag secured Rhaegal does a couple of laps then lands to rest before our flight. Drogon comes to me and accepts everything immediately. And after a nudge from Drogon, I mount him and he starts west.

I am not particularly excited about going back west. I was considering freeing Essos first as it would give me an army and I will be under the crowns thumb when I get there and they may not allow me to do what I plan. Figuring Drogon has a reason to believe Westeros is the right choice I enjoy our flight, watching my other children carefully enjoy their flight as well. Maybe this was the right decision, coming back two hundred years.
The further west we go the more I start to recognize where we are headed. Dragonstone. Technically home, but technically does not mean much to me. I start thinking about when we first got to Dragonstone in our last life I was so disappointed to see that the sand and water was just like everywhere I had been in Essos. There was nothing that made it feel like home to me. Even if my children had disagreed.

Soon we made it to our island and landed near the volcano where they nested. After divesting my children of the bags they carried I thanked them and told them to go fishing for their meal as we are not in our time to be stealing whatever livestock we see. It is dark when I get the bags into the nest. When my children come back they each have game in their claws. They landed in front of me and put the game to flame. I look up and they are all staring at me waiting for me to choose. Feeling the warmth of love again that they all decided to bring me sustenance I take bites from each to show them my appreciation, then tell them how well they did. The do love being admired as evident by the preening they do with my words of affirmation. When we go into the nest later they all curl up together and leave a spot in the middle for me. I look at our connections and feel their happiness, their fatigue, their love and protectiveness. As I lay down I begin to ponder what tomorrow may bring. My secret hope is more dragons. I need a day to acclimate before dealing with people again.

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