Chapter 39 The Arena Clinic

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They left the center of the arena together and ventured into the twisting, labyrinthine bowels of the arena. Jie waited until she hoped they were out of earshot of the older, more powerful cultivators. But, truthfully, who knew how far they could hear from?

"So, would you mind explaining why everyone acted so strangely back there?" Jie asked.

Ithilix cocked its head. A habit it did often it seemed.

"This one does not understand?" Ithilix said.

"Like... when I returned your bow and stuff? It's like everything I did made people mutter. Did I break another custom or something? Is there some special bow for people like you or something?" Jie asked. She tried to keep the acidity out of her voice at the absurdity of all these stupid rules, but she doubted she succeeded.

"You don't know?" Ithilix said.

"So, I did something wrong then?" Jie asked.

"No! Not at all! Oh, forgive this one, but in this one's opinion you did nothing wrong," Ithilix said.

The way it says this one is kinda irritating... Jie thought.

"So why were they like that then?" Jie asked.

"Um... it is not normal to treat one of the Hive with such politeness, Princess," Ithilix said.

"Huh? Why not?" Jie asked, "I mean... you're a student, right?"

"Yes, this one is a student," Ithilix said, "this one is training to be of better use to the Hive. Most people don't treat those of the Hive as well as you do, Princess. Only if they come across one of a hive who is much more powerful than they are, are they courteous. Out of fear."

"Oh," Jie said, "why do they hate you guys so much?"

"Five hundred years ago, a great hive rose up in this area and began subjugating all other races. After a great many battles and much bloodshed, they were destroyed. But the other races still hate us," Ithilix said, "Only the strongest warriors may leave the Hive safely. Ones such as this one would be crushed by greater cultivators like a bug beneath their heel."

"Wow... that sucks," Jie said.

"Indeed," Ithilix said, "it's our own fault though."

"Hardly," Jie said, "I bet the other races have done some pretty nasty stuff too, haven't they? Even without considering just killing you guys like that."

"They have," Ithilix said.

"See? People love to justify their hate. It's not like you personally did anything to anyone right?" Jie asked.

"This one does not even interact with others if this one can help it. With the exception of the Princess," Ithilix said.

"So, not your fault. I think people just suck. No matter what race they are," Jie said. Her voice turned bitter at that. Were good people a minority on every world?

"You are too kind, Princess," Ithilix said.

"At least the school is safe for you guys," Jie said with a smile, "right?"

"That is yet to be determined," Ithilix said.

"What do you mean?" Jie asked.

"This one is here as an experiment. To see if it is safe to use facilities such as the Crimson Academy to further grow the Hive," Ithilix said.

"Wait... you were sent here... to see if you would get killed?" Jie asked.

"Yes," Ithilix said.

"But, you have guards and stuff, right? To make sure nothing happens to you?" Jie asked.

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