Chapter 36 Culture Shock

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"Hey, you!" Pan Tian said as she rushed over to Jie outside the arena and gave her a giant hug. Jie's eyes went wide and she froze like a deer in headlights.

"Hello," Jie said stiffly.

Pan Tian released her. "Jeez! You'd think you'd never been hugged before! Aren't we friends?" she said.

"I'm just... not used to it," Jie said, "Don't worry about it."

Pan Tian frowned. "Must you always be so mysterious?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" Jie asked.

"Jeez! You're the worst! But, wow what a good fight. I've never seen you move like that before! And you're so much stronger! You're leaving me in the dust!" Pan Tian said.

Jie looked over her friend. "You look well. I'm glad. Are you fully recovered?" she asked.

"Yes! The healers fixed me right up! I'm glad you didn't get disqualified," Pan Tian said.

"Me too," Jie said, "I'd like to meet Chen Huo in the tournament. I owe him for hurting my friend."

Pan Tian shivered. "When you talk like that... sometimes I forget you're younger than me. Are you secretly a body snatcher or something?"

"A body snatcher?" Jie asked.

"It's a myth," Pan Zhanshi said as he walked over behind his exuberant sister, "Don't let her worry you about it. And... for what it's worth... I'm glad you didn't get disqualified either. Some in our family are angry with you... but I'm... glad. Do you really think you can beat Chen Huo though?"

"Well, I have a few days to train before the next round," Jie said, "It gives me time to improve."

"A few days... I'd laugh, but you cultivate freakishly fast," Pan Zhanshi said, "Just... be careful. I don't want to see him hurt you too."

"Oh, I won't let that happen," Jie said.

Pan Zhanshi shivered. "I'm just glad you're not talking about me like that... we're good right?" he asked.

Jie thought for a moment. "We are. I was mad at you before... but I get this place has some strange rules. Maybe what I did was wrong considering what I know now... but regardless... I'll take out my frustration on Chen Huo," she said.

Pan Zhanshi nodded. "Where are you from?" he asked.

"As though she'll answer that," Pan Tian said, "sounds like some kind of paradise if she gets so upset about things. You can't let people know about that. They'll go ruin it."

"No..." Jie said, "It's not a paradise. It's... not that different really."

"Oh? What's it like then?" Pan Tian said. Her eyes were huge and Jie felt overwhelmed. How much could she say? Would it not be more suspicious to say nothing and always avoid the issue? If only Ming was here... he always knew what to do.

"Uh... well... it's kind of..." Jie said, "you see... where I come from, people are generally about as strong as one another. No one person can take on many others at the same time."

"Wow! Are you all experts there then?" Pan Tian said, "That must be nice!"

"Um... something like that," Jie said, "but no it isn't nice. Personal strength is... less important? So, the masses dictate everything. No matter where you go... it's kind of oppressive. You'll never have the freedom of strength there. Not really."

"Wow..." Pan Tian said, "that... sounds awful. But, if it's so bad why are you constantly shocked about things?"

"I'm... not sure. I still have a lot to get used to in this new... place," Jie said.

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