Chapter 34

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5 months later


"Maxwell you are going to be late if you don't get up right now!" I groaned before looking at the clock it was 7. Oh crap! I am gonna be late. I was gonna meet Jessica at her locker before class started. Jessica and I have been dating for 2 months now. I asked her out on Christmas. I had been taking her out on so many dates. Liam would ask her sometimes and I would hate it, but she would always remind me how we weren't dating so I couldn't get all possessive.

"Good morning Margaret." I grabbed a bagel, gave her a kiss, grabbed my school bag, and walked to my bike. I better get there fast. Can't leave my girl hanging. I sighed I love the sound of that, my girl. I got to school quick and got off my bike. I said hey to the boys before walking in straight to Jessica's locker.

"Max!" She squealed before jumping on me. I laughed and grabbed her, burying my head into her neck. she giggled before pulling away. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek before letting go.

"Good morning beautiful. How was your night?"

"It was great. You know what today is right?" Of course I did. It was all Jessica would talk about.

"Yes, how could I forget. It's Valentine's Day. All you did was talk about it." She rolled her eyes before taking out her books and putting them in her bag. I shut her locker closed before grabbing her hand.

"So, are we gonna do anything special?" I looked at her and smirked. I shrugged my shoulders and I saw her pout. I had planned for us to go to the beach and have a candle lit dinner.

"I don't know. We might just go watch a movie or something." I wanted it to be a surprise. I didn't want her to know anything.

"Jess!" I looked up and saw Kat running towards us with a bouquet of roses. Looks like Reece did it.

"What is it? Who gave you those roses? They are beautiful!" I felt bad that I didn't get Jessica anything, but I did set up the dinner.

"Your brother just asked me out!" Jessica's jaw dropped. I chuckled and she snapped her head towards me.

"Did you know about this?" I just shrugged and smirked at her. She rolled her eyes before we continued to walk towards her class. Class went by fast and it was already lunch time.

"Maxwell Powers please report to the front office, Maxwell Powers."

I looked at Jessica and she looked at me confused. I shrugged my shoulders and stood up from the table. I walked down to the front office. Through the glass windows I could see Margaret standing there. I walked in and she saw me.

"What's going on? What happened?" Her face didn't give anything away which made me even more worried.

"Nothing has happened. I just thought you might like this for that pretty girlfriend of yours." She pulled out a bouquet of roses along with a life sized teddy bear.

"Margaret, how did you get this?" She handed the stuff to me while I looked at her still in shock.

"Your mother had left you money to buy something for Jessica, but you were to busy trying to get the dinner ready that you didn't see it, so I went and bought her whatever seemed nice." I hugged and thanked her. She left and I walked to the gym. I would put this in my gym locker then give it to her after school. I couldn't give it to her now or else she would know that someone brought it for me to give to her. I walked back to the cafeteria ready to eat my lunch.

"What happened?" Jessica asked as I sat down. I shook my head and she just nodded and went back to talking with Katherine. The rest of the day went by in a blur. I was headed towards the gym to get Jessica her gift. I walked up behind her and covered her eyes. She squealed before she turned around. She gasped when she saw what I had for her.

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