Chapter 20

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I can't leave her. She's been hurt. She has felt pain. I've already made a crack in that thick wall of hers. I can't just leave her. Like her ex-boyfriend did. I can't do that to her. She has already started letting me in.

"Max," I looked down at her. She looked defeated and tired. "What happened with Annie?" I tensed and clenched my jaw and squeezed her tighter into me.

I started to breathe heavily. Flashbacks exploding in my head. Memories I wanted to forget.

"She died." I felt her tense in my arms.

"Oh. Is it okay if I call you Max?" She asked. I looked down and gave her a small smile as I felt my body relax.

"Yeah, but only you, babygirl." She gave me a sleepy smile before snuggling more into my chest. I stroke her hair as she started falling asleep.

"Please don't leave me, Max." She mumbled. I looked down at her and saw Annie's vibrant icy blue eyes staring back at me. No! Not now! Get out! Leave! Get out of my head! I felt Jess stir and my vision cleared. I laid down and pulled her towards me.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." I whispered. I won't let what happened to Annie happen to you. I stared at the stars as I drifted off to sleep.

"Maxwell you promised me! You promised me you would be there for me! Look at what you did! This is all your fault!" No. I didn't know this would happen. We were already over. I told them to leave you out of this.

"Max you promised me." I look up to see Jessica. No! NO! NO, no, no! This can't happen to you. Anyone but you. Her eyes rolled up as she laid on the ground blood surrounding her body. "NO!" I tried to run forward, but my feet wouldn't move. I can't let her die there!

"You shouldn't have won. If you did as we planned she would still be alive and well, Maxwell. This was all your doing." No, no, no.

"Maxwell! Maxwell, wake up!" I snapped my eyes open and sat up. I looked around to see that I was on the roof of Jessica's house. It was all a dream. She was alive and well right here in front of me. Her face was full of worry. I pulled her in and hugged her. She let out a squeal of surprise before she wrapped her arms around my neck. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm right here." She kept whispering into my ear as I rocked us back and forth.

"I'm sorry." I said as I let her go. She shook her head and placed both her hands on my cheeks.

"Don't be sorry. This whole talking about the past comes with memories. It's okay. I'm here for you okay?" I nodded my head and she smiled releasing my face. She looked at her phone before cursing. I looked at my watch and my eyes bulged out of their head. We were so late for school!

"Crap, we're just gonna have to stay in today." Jessica said before grabbing the basket and walking towards the edge of the roof.

"Hey, you never told me what was in the basket?" She stopped and turned towards me. She opened the basket and I looked inside.

"Snacks." We said at the same time. She gave a small chuckle before walking down the ladder. I followed and went back into her bedroom. She grabbed my hand and took me to her bed.

"Stay here, I'll go grab my bag and we can finish the project. I'll see if Joey is in for some breakfast. Don't leave this room. The bathroom is there and yeah. I'll be right back." She handed me the basket and turned to leave. "Don't leave this room. Got it?" I nodded my head and she opened the door and then closed it behind her.

Why did she not want me to leave? Oh well. I looked around and saw a wall that was full of pictures. I walked towards it and saw that the blonde headed girl she was always with, Katherine, was in almost every single picture. Then I saw a baby Jessica with a baby Reece next to her. She had a huge grin on her face. There was a picture that stood out. It was Jessica and another boy. They look to be about 16, so it might've been taken just last year.

Why does he look so familiar? Where have I seen that face? Then it came to me. That boy was Liam Knight. Jessica was laughing towards the camera while Liam was looking at her with a small smile on his face and his eyes looked down at her with adoration. They looked happy. Jessica looked happy. Then why do I feel a bit jealous?

Here's a little more of his past! And ooh he was jealous! Sorry for any mistakes! You know the drill!

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