at a party

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It's a beach-front mansion. Everyone is barefoot or in flip-flops. The inside is packed shoulder-to-shoulder. You've thrown on a sheer white dress that exposes all up your torso with only a skimpy bikini bottom underneath. When Rafe picked you up, he walked backwards to the car so he could stare at you longer.

You hold onto each other's hands as tight as possible through the living room crowd to the bar with its wide view of the dark ocean beyond. Rafe fixes you a drink, and you tell him it's already too hot in here. So, you go out back.

You collect more drinks outside; beers and jello shots, a few gulps from someone's Vodka bottle, until you're all dizzy in the sand. You grow hot by the bonfire as people pass around a blunt. You only need a few before you're too high. Rafe and some other guy are the ones to finish the roach.

And then he pulls you in and kisses you with a ball of smoke that burns your throat. Rafe smiles at your coughing fit.

You shove his shoulder. "Asshole."

Your current favorite song comes on through the speakers, and you tell Rafe you wanna dance.

He's not much of a dancer, but with you he will. And he's drunk, too. Both of you are unsteady in the sand. Rafe comes up and slinks his arm around your waist while you move your hips. He takes a swig of beer and nods along to the music.

You turn around and wiggle your ass. Rafe grabs your hip and bounces you against his crotch. It's always fun to do this kind of thing with Rafe when you're drunk together at parties, and no body cares because it's a party, and they're all drunk, too.

Rafe tries widening his stance but ends up losing his balance in the sand. He pulls you down with him, and you land on top with your backside on his chest. His beer flies out in a stream and paints the sand above your heads.

When you start laughing, people look over. You climb off of Rafe and stretch out your hand to help him up, but you're still laughing. He grabs you by the wrist and pulls you back down, face-first. Rafe busts up, and then you sit up, and he hugs his knees.

You lean in and kiss him, still breathless from laughter. His mouth opens, slowly, inviting you in but still reserved. His tongue tastes of warm beer. The fire crackles and pops only feet away. You kiss him harder, yearning for him, hoping he gets your message.

His heart pounds beneath your palm. He opens up, slides his hands onto your waist, and pushes back.

And then, in the midst, you pull back. "I need another drink."

He nods, panting. "Okay." But he doesn't want to stop, and neither do you.

You holds his hand tight in his as he guides you back into the house. Neither of you should be having another drink, but when someone offers you beers, you take them and slip into another room.

A glass wall looks out to the ocean where the waves crash audibly over the bass of the music. Blue moonlight spills in across the floor, across the bed. The sounds of the party linger in the atmosphere, but it's quiet enough inside to hear your own breath. It's like hearing the roar of the ocean from beneath the waves.

With his fingertips, Rafe pulls you down with him on the bed. Someone splashes into the pool just outside as you slink over his body like a shadow. You sit on his waist and gulp your beer then offer him some and tip it up to his mouth. A drop trickles down the side of his jaw. You lick it up with your tongue and kiss him.

Rafe slides his hands up your bare thighs. He shudders. "Okay."

You kiss his neck. He slides his hands up the insides of your thighs, and you know what he wants, but you take your time just to piss him off.

He squirms underneath of you. You move your hips against his crotch, subtly. You lift your hair up over your arm. Rafe stares at your breasts through your sheer dress.

You finish the beer and let the bottle go. You lean over Rafe and kiss him. He helps move you against him, faster and faster, so the bed squeaks.

He pushes your tiny, sheer dress farther up so your bikini bottom is exposed. He growls and throws his head back into the pillow. You keep rocking, throwing your hips back and forth, and Rafe pumps himself up into you.

You stop and giggle. Rafe gets frustrated and groans. Your fingers slip between one anothers. Rafe pulls you down and kisses you, but you keep laughing. You rest your head on his chest and listen to his heart pound. It's quiet again. No kissing, no rocking, no wandering hands. Just stillness. Your bodies bathe in the white moonlight.

Rafe isn't patient for long, though. He lifts his hips into you again and gyrates against your crotch. "Come on." He huffs out a breath.

You roll your hips, and Rafe squeezes your ass. When it's clear that you both are ready, you pull off his bottoms, and he pulls aside your underwear. He helps you down with shaky breaths.

Now that he's inside, you throw your hips back and forth until the headboard slams against the wall. Rafe's legs frantically slide against the sheets. His hips roll up into you like he's fighting not to come.

"Aye, yo, Cameron!" some guy shouts. There's a bang on the door.

You keep going, but the voice comes again, louder this time. And then the door swings open behind you.

"Oh, shit." The guy laughs, drunkenly. "Sorry, man."

You lift the sheet up over your chest.

"We got some coke out here, just in. If you wanna bump a couple lines." He shuts the door.

Rafe sits up and catches his breath. A sheen of sweat covers his chest. You pulse around him to remind him that you're here, hoping he'll choose a couple more minutes with you.

His fingers come up into your hair and pull. You smooth your hand over the back of his head, and his mouth moves down between your breasts, slowly, hungrily.

He slows then stops, pressing his forehead against your chest. Both of you catch your breath, and then he keeps going, faster and faster, rolling his hips. It doesn't take long to reach the edge again.

You tilt your head back so your hair tickles your back. Rafe's groans get deeper with each thrust, and then he clamps his hands around your hips.

In a soft voice, you ask him, "Are you gonna come?"

He nods.

Rafe's legs flutter beneath you as he fills you up. His thrusts get slower until he finishes, and then you wait, listening to him breathe, holding him until his heartbeat slows.

"Okay," he says.

You climb out of his lap. Rafe's belt rattles in the dark as he pulls his jeans back up. You tug your dress down then take his hand and rejoin the party.

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