▪vi: disenchantment▪

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Let go of the light and fall in to the dark side. In as much as I was a sociopath, I really wanted to feel. I wanted someone to love me and want me, however, that was a big dream that was so out of reach.

For so long, I have basked in solitude and thrived in chaos, but I don't want that anymore. I wanted to feel the company of someone else now that Bilen was no longer here to counter me and keep my behavior in check. 

I missed my brother so much.

Although Monty was my new found acquaintance, something told me he was trying his best to step back from me since he was the detective in charge of the case of Bilen's murder.

The school atmosphere was not really conducive for me and the moment I finished lectures for the day, I found my way home in order to relax my mind. When I got to my front door, I searched for my key to unlock the door. However, my key wouldn't budge in the lock and it became unsettling.

Grabbing the knob, and turning the key, there was no pressure in the door. I stepped back when the door noisily creaked open. Someone was inside my house, or, maybe I forgot to lock the door since I left home in a hurry. I tried my best not to panic so as not to alert the intruder at the same time, fought the urge to call Monty or Orion— who was technically out of the question.

I pushed my way into the house, as I tiptoed all the way to my room and stopped when I got to the door. However, a quiet noise as if someone was sleeping resonated in the hallway and it got me wondering. I sauntered towards the furthest door at the hallway, known as Bilen's room and slightly pushed the door open. I froze on my feet when I saw a rather familiar and annoying large man sleeping peacefully on my brother's bed.

"What. The. Fuck! Orion?!" Can you believe this man? He broke into my house in the middle of the day just to end up asleep in Bilen's room?

Orion yawned, fluttering his eyes open, while still splayed on the bed like a newborn baby. "Zamani, is that you?" His voice was thick and groggy with sleep, which made my creature pur.

I rolled my eyes, and folded my arms on my chest. "Who else would it be? What are you doing here?"

"Sorry. I fell asleep," he answered, his beautiful pair of greens staring up at me. "I tried calling you but your number wasn't going through."

"That is because I blocked you." I sneered at him, but he seemed as if he had no plans of standing up from the bed. "You still haven't answered my question. What are you doing here? No, scratch that. How did you enter?"

He batted his long lashes at me. "I have a key. I wanted to come take some stuff, but I got exhausted and fell asleep."

I scoffed. "You are so pitiful." My creature gnawed at me for talking to Orion in this manner, however, I taunted back so that it could get used to the fact that I disliked Orion. "Anyways, I'd like for you to leave now."

Orion fixed his intense gaze on me as if I had grown another horn on my head. "I'd leave when I'm ready. I still want to nap."

"Are you kidding me, Orion?" I flared up, unable to control myself, while my creature was howling in excitement at his mere presence. "This is my space and you are invading it."

Orion chuckled, as he rose from the bed and stretched, his muscles bulging from the shirt. "I have never seen you in Bilen's room before, so I don't understand how I am invading your space." He walked closer to me in two long strides, an amused grin coating his lips. "Do you have a problem with me, Zamani? Isn't this house big enough to contain both of us? And by the way, I live here."

"You live in the basement," I spat in defense. "And yes Orion, I have a very big problem with you."

"Maybe you are just in love with me."

I have never been triggered in my life before except when Orion was around me. For months now, I have tried to ignore his presence and the fact that we both live in the same house because I am always in my room and I don't come out unless I want to prepare food for myself or go to school and it has been successful. But now, it felt like I'll be seeing more of Orion.

"Fuck you, Orion."

A low sardonic laugh bubbled out from him, as he closed the space between us. I inched back to prevent him from touching me the moment he stretched out his palm. "No matter how much you try to deny it," he poked the middle of my chest. "That little thing in there dances in joy when I'm around you."

I slapped his hand away from my body, but it brushed against my breast. A low gasp escaped my lungs as my eyes almost popped out of its sockets. "Stay away from me, Orion."

"You know I'm right, Zamani." He walked past me, heading for the door. He stopped on his tracks and turned to me. "I am the only one that accepts you for what you are."

I scowled at his retreating figure. "You don't know me."

"I know Zamani Araya when I see one."

The realization of what he just said dawned on me and it pained me to the core that he was right. Apart from Bilen or Monty who claimed to know me, Orion was the only person who knew me in and out because I once allowed him touch my soul and it really fucked me up.

Orion Blackwood broke me first with the truth— I am truly, and utterly crazy. And that conception was big enough to make a tough girl like me cry.

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