Dreams and Realities: Nandini's Struggle with Forbidden Love

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Nandini's day was off to a bright start, her excitement palpable as she prepared to leave for the office. Just as she was about to step out, her mobile phone chimed with her father's name flashing on the screen. With a cheerful.

Nandini: Hello, Dad! (She answered, her voice filled with warmth.)

Mohit's voice, always a source of comfort, greeted her with a vibrant.

Mohit: Good morning, Nandini! How are you, dear?

A smile graced Nandini's lips as she replied.

Nandini: I'm doing well, Dad. Just getting ready to head to the office.

Mohit's (tone was pleased.): That's great to hear, beta. I was just thinking about you and wanted to catch up.

Nandini's (affection for her father surged.): I would love that, Dad. It's been a while since we had a proper chat.

Mohit (chuckled fondly.): Yes, indeed. Our phone calls always brighten my day.

The conversation flowed effortlessly, with Nandini sharing updates about her work projects and Mohit listening attentively, offering words of encouragement and pride in her achievements.

As they spoke, Nandini's thoughts drifted to their last family gathering at Rishabh's house. The memories of laughter and togetherness tugged at her heartstrings. 

Nandini: Dad, why don't we meet today? It's been four months since we all got together. Let's plan a small family reunion.

Mohit's voice filled with excitement, mirroring her enthusiasm. 

Mohit: Oh, that's a wonderful idea, Nandini! I miss spending time with you and Rishabh. Let's make it happen.

Nandini nodded eagerly, feeling a surge of happiness at the prospect of seeing her father and brother. 

Nandini: Great! I'll coordinate with Rishabh and let you know the details. Thanks, Dad!

After exchanging a few more pleasantries and expressing their anticipation for the upcoming gathering, Nandini ended the call, her heart light with the joy of family connections and the promise of a delightful reunion on the horizon.


Nandini's cabin was her haven, a place where creativity flowed freely. She was deeply engrossed in crafting a new chapter for her novel, each word a brushstroke painting a vivid picture in her mind. However, her peaceful atmosphere was abruptly shattered when she noticed the curtain of her cabin had been left open, allowing the outside world to intrude.

Irritation prickled at her skin as she got up to rectify the oversight. 

As she went to close the curtain, she glanced out of the window. There, she saw Manik, standing amidst the bustling activity outside. He was engrossed in encouraging one of the editors, his genuine smile lighting up the terrace and spreading warmth to those around him.

Nandini's heart skipped a beat as she watched Manik's charismatic presence. His words of motivation carried even from a distance, lifting the spirits of the disheartened editor. She couldn't help but admire his confidence and the way he effortlessly inspired those around him.

Caught in a moment of admiration, Nandini found herself staring longer than intended. She noticed the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, and how his positivity seemed to infuse energy into everyone he interacted with. It was moments like these that had always drawn her towards him.

Aware of her distraction, Nandini quickly looked away, cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and fascination. "Focus, Nandini," she muttered to herself, trying to shake off the lingering images of Manik's smile. "You're here to work, not daydream."

Crossroads of love: Enstranged or Adultery?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang