Unspoken Storms

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Scene start with the gym.

Manik was deeply engrossed in his workout routine, but his mind seemed to be miles away. With every passing minute, he pushed himself harder, increasing the intensity as if trying to outrun his thoughts. Thoughts of Nandini lingered in his mind, a concern that he couldn't shake off. They hadn't been particularly close, having only met about two months ago, but her presence had left an impression.

He paused between sets, the intensity of his exercise now paralleling the intensity of his thoughts. How could he approach Nandini without crossing any boundaries? He understood her reticence in sharing personal matters; after all, he struggled with the same vulnerability. Resolving to take it slow and tread lightly, he decided indirect inquiries might be the way to go.

Drenched in sweat, he finally called it quits, his mind swirling with strategies on how to initiate a conversation with her. As he headed for the showers, a mix of determination and apprehension churned within him.

The drive back home was a blur of contemplation. How could he reach out to Nandini without making her uncomfortable? Should he even try to? These thoughts followed him through his shower and as he settled in at home, the echoes of his unanswered questions lingered.


The morning sun bathes Nandini's home in a warm glow, setting the stage for a seemingly ordinary day. Nandini effortlessly moves through her morning routine, a symphony of domesticity unfolding as she prepares breakfast for herself and Raghav. The air is filled with the inviting aroma of coffee and toasting bread, creating a comforting atmosphere in their cozy kitchen.

The clinking of utensils accompanies Nandini as she sets the breakfast table, an everyday scene that belies the storm brewing beneath the surface. Raghav, her partner, joins her at the table, his demeanor signaling a departure from the usual routine.

Raghav (As he utters those four words): We need to talk. (The air in the room shifts. Nandini glances at him, sensing the gravity in his tone. The sunlight streaming in seems to catch the tension in the air, casting shadows on their shared breakfast.)

Nandini (ever composed, responds with a calm.): Sure, what's on your mind? (Her eyes, however, betray a curiosity tinged with concern.)

Raghav, hesitating but resolute, begins to voice his unease.

Raghav: I don't want you working with Manik. I don't like him.

Nandini's eyebrow raises, caught off guard by the abruptness of his statement. She counters. 

Nandini: Raghav, my professional life is my own. I can't let personal preferences interfere."

Raghav leans in, his expression tightening as he emphasizes his point. 

Raghav: But I don't trust that guy, Nandini. Please reconsider.

Nandini (Yet, Nandini remains unwavering.): I've made my decision. I separate my professional and personal life for a reason. I won't let personal biases dictate my choices.

The discussion escalates, moving to their bedroom, where the outside tranquility contrasts with the emotional storm brewing within. Raghav's frustration becomes more evident as he pleads with Nandini to reconsider, but she stands her ground.

Nandini: My professional choices are not up for negotiation. (she declares.) I have to do what's best for my career.

As the heated exchange continues, Nandini draws a firm line. 

Nandini: I won't let this conversation affect my work. I need to keep these aspects of my life separate.

Leaving Raghav alone in the room, Nandini exits, her determination echoing through the air. Raghav is left grappling with his feelings, realizing that some battles should not be fought within the boundaries of a relationship. The room, once a haven of shared dreams, now holds the weight of unspoken tensions and the understanding that, sometimes, respect for personal decisions is the only way forward.

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