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While Kingsley showered, Maria snuck back into the room. She stood by the bathroom for a second and heard the water still running. It was clear to her that she had time. Maria hastened her cautionary steps to the bedside table where he left his phone. To unlock the phone, she tried the pattern she had seen him do several times. It worked out and she smiled to herself.

On the contacts page, she scrolled and scrolled. Finally, she typed Ijeawele's name into the search bar. Nothing showed up. She chewed on the nail of her left index finger. In her mind, ideas were popping in and out. Alas, the right one stuck. Maria typed the name, Prisca into the search bar. Behold, it popped up.

She displayed a weak smile and looked in the direction of the bathroom. "I knew it." The words came out in a low voice. To her, it was somewhat amusing how he thought she wouldn't have any idea about Ijeawele's English name. On so many levels, he always managed to underestimate her. Quick, she typed the number into her own phone and saved it. She returned her husband's phone to how it was before hurrying her steps out of the room to meet her sister.


Ijeawele walked hand in hand with Andrew and when they got to the start of the staircases, he halted. He turned to her with a beautiful smile.

"We should part ways here."

Ijeawele's frown was momentary. "I'll walk you to the gate." She told him and tried to continue down the stairs. Andrew stopped her by maintaining his stance while still holding on to her hand. He closed the gap between them and put his other arm around her neck, holding her in a warm embrace. Before pulling away, he kissed her softly on the cheek. Her smile grew broader.

"Good night." His voice was soothing to her ears.

"Good night." She gave in without depreciating her smile.

Reluctantly, they let go of their hands. Ijeawele watched as he walked down the stairs. When he was almost out of her sight, he waved at her and she waved back.

One last time. A voice in her head echoed and she stretched her neck forward for a glimpse of him. Suddenly, his head popped up. Their eyes met and they smiled at the same time. He had shared the same thought she had. One last time. Then went back up the last stair he was on the last moment he saw her.

"Bye." She waved at him, again.

"Bye." He did the same.

Soon, he was walking out of the building while still wearing a smile. Ijeawele walked back into her apartment feeling like a school girl under the rush of a first love. She slumped into her couch. A soft sigh escaped her. Her phone on the centre table pinged and she reached for it.

The liveliness and excitement she wallowed in gradually faded away as she read the text.

This is Delight. I found out you have someone that belongs to me. We need to talk. I'll be waiting at the sizzling bites eatery outside the estate. I hope you'll be there.

Ijeawele shut her eyes and sucked in a slow and steady deep breath only to release it in a similar way. She rubbed her forehead.

I found out you have someone that belongs to me. The sentence repeated one more time in her head. Andrew? She knew Delight was definitely referring to him. But he didn't belong to her. In all her chances, Ijeawele was yet to ask Andrew for a full explanation. She had convinced herself that she trusted him and was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps, it was never entirely the truth. It has been so long since she felt a sense of genuine happiness. She was afraid that she might be wrong and this feeling will go away for another long time.

Maybe, You Will See Me NowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang