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Sha no stay long oh - Don't stay too long

Ijeawele sucked in a deep breath. It was her attempt at controlling her thoughts. At the moment, she had an inner conflict on whether to return to her office or go ahead to get the water she came for.

"Ijeawele," Radha called. She turned to the woman walking up to her. After Radha was in front of her, she looked back once in the direction Andrew went. 

"Is everything okay?"

Ijeawele's brows creased for a second, and she was wearing a light smile, quick to fade. "Yes. Why? Is something wrong?"

Radha shook her head. "No. I just... It wasn't my intention to pry but I saw you two and it looked serious... If there's an issue or if he's making you uncomfortable then..."

"He's not." Ijeawele was quick to defend. She surprised herself. But the last thing she wanted was to make a big deal of anything or implicate him. "Nothing is going on." She played a smiled again and Radha looked at her, although not quite convinced.

"I came down for water so I'll get it now," Ijeawele added and took her first step in that direction when Radha called after her again.

"Ijeawele, we're friends, right?"

"Is that what we are..."

Radha raised her brows at her. Ijeawele smiled. "I'm kidding. Um, yeah, sure."

"I say that for you to know it's okay with me. I'm ready to listen whenever you want to talk." Radha expressed, briefly smiling in the end.

Ijeawele nodded her head continuously to her words but in her head, she was not so welcoming. Maybe because she always saw Radha as a colleague, whom she could have a surface nice chat with or because she didn't think there could ever be someone who would understand her. Either way, Ijeawele was used to being on her own, and at this point, she very much preferred that.

Radha was on her way and Ijeawele went ahead to fill up her water bottle. In her office, Ijeawele found it hard to concentrate. Her thoughts wandered away every ten seconds. It bothered her so much that Andrew wouldn't listen to her words. It would be so much easier on her if she knew he was treating her the same way as she was doing to him. The thought of his very existence occupied her mind; at this point, it was annoying. She stood up from her seat hoping a little walk around in the office would do her some good.

* * *

Andrew cut a small piece from the boiled yam on his plate and along with a bit of egg sauce, he carried it into his mouth. His gaze often wandered to the entrance to the cafeteria.

"Do you want to sleep here?" Bolanle asked Andrew. Her arms were folded below her chest while she leaned into her seat.

"Maybe we should get him a bed and a pillow. It will be better, right Andrew?" Ebube included. Like Bolanle, he has been waiting for Andrew to finish his food. At first, they wondered if they were the fast eater but now, it was clear that he was the slow one.

Ebube narrowed his eyes at him. "Are you doing this on purpose?"

Andrew shifted his eyes to him and hesitated at first. "It's fine. You two can leave. I'll meet you in the office."

Bolanle shook her head. "No. We came together so we leave together."

"It's fine with me. I won't hold it against either of you."

This time, Bolanle narrowed her eyes at him. "I think you're doing this on purpose. I've been watching you." She unfolded her arms and leaned against the table to look into his eyes. "You're waiting for Ijeawele, aren't you?"

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