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october, 2023

       THE GIRLS, EXCEPT KK WHO WAS nowhere to be found, had all realised how down Paige had been. Ever since a couple of nights ago, when Le'ana and Paige ended on the most awkward note possible, the girl had been nothing but horrible to those around her. Of course, the UConn girls weren't upset at her, it was understandable, but they just wanted their friend back. What better way to lift someone's spirits than to get drunk?

"Twin. You know I love you. But I'm not leaving my bed." Paige scolded as Nika attempted to pull her out of bed by her arm. This had been ongoing for the past half an hour making both the girls sick of each other.

"Paige, please. Just one night." Nika begged, willing to do anything for Paige to leave the room.


"Ok," Nika smirked, knowing there was something else she could do to get Paige out of bed.

Paige was shocked Nika gave up so easily but she wasn't complaining. As long as she got to lay in bed all day sulking, she didn't care what Nika did. Well, that was until Nika, Ice, Aaliyah and Inês all entered her room. Before she could even process what was occurring each teammate grabbed a different body part of hers, dragging her off the bed.

Ice raided her closet, on the hunt for an outfit she could feel comfortable, yet stylish in. She simply settled for a pink and brown top that replicated an NFL jersey whilst her shoes and trousers matched a shade of sage green. Nika sat her down, prepared to put some makeup on her, ensuring Paige didn't look two days from death. Even if she felt like it, Nika encouraged her to 'fake it until you make it'.

The girls wasted no time preparing to leave, Paige not even arguing with them. She knew it was pointless. The bar of choice was the one on campus. The girls had frequently found themselves there in the off-season. KK walked up to the table the girls sat at, a smile prevalent on her face. It was the look she gives when she wants you to ask her what is going on.

"What did you do KK...?" Ice carefully treaded, scared of the freshman's mischief.

"Guess who I got to leave their dorm?" She jumped in excitement.

"KK...Paige is right here we already completed the plan of dragging her out" Nika spoke and pointed at the blonde, confused as to what KK was on about.

"Girl- I thought we were getting Le'ana out." Lo and behold a certain 5'11, brunette centre walked up behind KK, smiling at the group. All the girls cheered as they got up, happy to see Le'ana back with them. All except Paige. Paige was unsure of what to do when face to face with Le'ana. They definitely weren't back at the stage of hugs, having uttered about five words total to each other since their argument two days ago. Ignoring her wasn't an option as they were far too close to be on terrible terms.

"Hey." Truth be told it took Le'ana about forty-five minutes of practicing to decide what to say to Paige. Once she settled on a simple greeting it then took Le'ana ten minutes to decide how she should approach Paige, hence her confidence going into this.

Paige, on the other hand, was not rehearsed at all. This was evident in her stutter the minute she spoke. "H-Hi," Paige was just shocked the girl spoke to her, after these past few days she wasn't sure what the two girls were doing anymore.

Despite their greeting, Paige and Le'ana didn't exchange words the whole night. All the pair did was acknowledge each other's comments, simply reacting with their body language. What really grasped Paige's attention was the mention of a new girl.

"Hey, guys would you be ok if I invited my uh- friend Riley?" Paige picked up on the stutter before she said 'friend'. Were Le'ana and Riley friends in the way Paige and her were? The way she stopped to think about the term gave Paige a new topic to wonder about for the next few hours. She thought of how Le'ana's eyebrows furrowed (adorably might she add) in confusion or how her eyes contained some hope at the mention of Riley. Of course, KK Arnold had to be her typical friendly self which set Paige up for failure.

"Oh my- Yes, girl. The more the merrier!"

Sooner than later, Riley had arrived. Paige glanced up from her phone, eyes widened whilst her jaw hung slightly open. Riley was the mystery girl, she really should've expected that. What was worse was how nice she was. Immediately as she entered the room, her smile served as a brighter light than the one on the ceiling. Yet, one thing in the room was even brighter - Le'ana's smile once Riley walked in.

Le'ana began a conversation with Riley, but slowly found herself turning her head in Paige's direction throughout. Le'ana knew how Paige got when she wasn't involved or her social anxiety got the best of her. To solve her worries, she would slyly peek a look at Paige, and to no one's surprise, Paige would glance back.

Even in the company of others, they'd still find each other. Whilst the room consisted of a lowlight, the brightest light cast itself towards the pair, who sat on opposite sides of the bar. Riley continued speaking, Le'ana letting out a fake laugh as her eyes remained on Paige. So she was pretty and funny? What else?

Le'ana decided not to ruin her night and so she aimed to enjoy the future nurse's company, rather than feining over Paige.

Funnily enough, after about ten minutes of interacting with Riley, Le'ana turned her head in a random direction. maybe subconsciously it was in the same way Paige was sitting except she was no longer sat there. All she could see was a trail of pink and green exciting out of the side door.

"Le'ana." Riley clicked."Are you listening?" She smiled, cheeks rising and eyes squinting.

"Huh- oh- Yeah, I hate that professor too." Le'ana attempted to cover up, hoping Riley was still on the topic they discussed five minutes ago.

"I was talking about my roommate..." That was awkward.

new character!

Riley Jenkins, 21

Uconn student, nursing major

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Uconn student, nursing major

clearly, miss girl has a type.
i doubt riley will appear often
but any chance to make a gif
and i come running 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️

next chapter has two outcomes
based on if uconn win tonight,
(i'm so scared for my girls 😖😖)
dont worry both options are good
but one's just better than the other

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