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! Curse words included !

It was Georgina Rodriguez? What? No way my parents are friends with them.

"¡Hola! Adelante." She said and smiled. Gosh she was soooo gorgeous. She was wearing a white shoulder-free dress and white high-heels. We entered the house and I saw Alana hiding behind the couch with Eva.

"Alana, Eva. Deja de esconderte detrás del sofá. Vamos, sé amable con los invitados." Gio said
(Alana, Eva. Stop hiding behind the couch. Come on, be nice to the guests)

"Lo siento mamá"
(Sorry mom)

"Júnior, baja las escaleras. ¡Los invitados estan aqui!" Gio yelled
(Júnior, come downstairs. The guests are here!)

I remembered that he's the stepson of gio and the son of cr7. Shit. That means 2 or more hours stuck with him. Can this day get any worse? Then I also remembered I have to cancel on sora! Fuck! She's probably waiting. I texted her and told her I can't come. Luckily, she didn't leave the house yet. As I put my phone away, he came downstairs. He was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. He looked at me and immediately frowned. Guess he doesn't want to be here either.

He ignored me and I ignored him. I saw that Alana and Eva were shy. I went up to them and talked with them. After about 3 minutes, they stopped being shy and they played with me. I'm pretty good with kids so they adjusted pretty good.

"Amores, todos pueden jugar más tarde." Gio said.
(Loves, you can play later.)

We all then sat at the dinner table and ate. Of course after that, my parents and his parents continued to talk about things in Spanish. My mom kind of forced me to go to cris' room. I sat down on his bed.

"Why are you here?" He asked
"It's not my fault that my parents decided to have dinner here."
"Are you going to the trip to Greece?" I asked, hoping to change topics.
"Ofc I am. I hate being here honestly. all this pressure on me is making me feel like shit" He said
"Then why did you smile in the pictures and videos?"
"Idk, guess I was just dumb back then."
"Pff..not only back then." I whisper
"Are you going?" He asked
"Idk. I mean I do want to but.. I don't really know if we have the money right now since I just moved."
"Didn't you use to live in Dubai or smth?" He mentioned
"Yea but just cuz I did doesn't mean I'm rich."

He paused for a second before groaning.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll pay for you. But that doesn't mean I like you." He said
"What? Why'd you wanna pay for me?"
"Because you're new and besides, my parents love your parents. So if they know that I volunteered to pay for your trip then I'm able to go out more with my friends."
"Oh you have friends? That's surprising."
"Shut up, you're lucky I'm paying."
"Thank you Ig."

Then, mateo came in.

"Oooo cris, ¿quién es? ¿La chica de la que hablas?" Mateo said
(Oooo cris, who is this? The girl you talk about?"

His eyes widen

"No mateo, este es mi compañera de clase. No me gusta ella"
(No mateo, this is my classmate. I don't like her)

"¡Ok entoces jugar conmigo!"
(Ok then play with me!"

"no tal vez más tarde" cris said
(No maybe later)


With that, mateo left and we just looked at each other.

"So you talk about me.?"
"Uhm no ..I talk bout another girl"
"If you say so. I'm bored, let's do something."
"Nah not in the mood. Especially if it's with you"
"Omg haha so funny." I say sarcastically
"I know"

I roll my eyes. I take out my phone and scroll through tiktok. I see so many good looking boys on tiktok and as the person I am, I reposted the videos. Cris notices this and he goes on tiktok too. I accidentally looked on his phone to see him reposting girls as well. Lmao he's trying to copy me.

"Copying me huh?" I say
"Nah..besides, the guys you repost are so ugly tf at least the girls I repost are fine"
"You loveeee latinas don't you?"
"I mean Yh but not you" he shrugged
"you loveeee curly heads" he said
"Yh but not you"
"You can't use my line"
"Watch me"

After that we argue and talk and stuff.. I still hate him lmao

"Jeana! We're going home!" My mom yelled from downstairs
"Coming!" I call back

"Well...see you at school Ig?" He said
"Mhm. Bye."

We drove home and while we were driving, I looked out the window thinking about the things that happened today. I also admired Riyadh because it was so beautiful like the fuck how did I not know about this place before I knew who cr7 and his family was damnnn. It's like Dubai but a smaller version. We arrived at home and I took off my shoes. I went upstairs and got changed. When I looked at my phone, I saw a text from cris.

"You forgot your jacket." The text read.

I texted him back saying he should just bring it to me tomorrow in school.

I put my phone on my nightstand and went downstairs to tell my mom and dad good night.
I did and then went to my room and got into bed. I thought about everything and I decided to finally start writing things in my diary that I haven't used ever since I bought it.

Then i heard my parents talking to cris' parents on the phone.

"son perfectos el uno para el otro y parecen llevarse bien" mom said
(They're perfect for each other and they seem to get along"

"Sí, Junior habla de ella a veces. Al menos creo que es ella de quien habla." Gio said over the phone.
(Yes, junior talks about her all the time. At least I think it's her he talks about"

Fuck. They're talking about us. See the thing is, my parents never ever ever talk about boys that might fit me or stuff and they're protective but if they talk about someone to the parents of that person, it's serious. I mean I'm still 12, tf? I finished my diary entry and put it under my bed. I pulled the covers over my head, hoping that I don't hear them talking about us anymore. Then, I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the name and it was sora. I picked up

"Hey" I said
"Hii, so, why were you so busy that you couldn't come see your bestie today?"
"I was at cris' house."
"Oh." Her eyes widen
"No no not like that geez. My parents met his parents and now they're friends and they're talking and stuff and I'm so annoyed bc I don't like him but I'm forced to be friends and get along."
"Oh damn I'm sorry for you. But you know some things happen for a reason..."
"Stop seriously I'm gonna punch you tomorrow"
"Ok ok sorry but still..maybe it's a sign..I mean look, he even broke up with Aisha literally once you came to this school. And now this with your parents? What's next? You get locked in a closet with him? Seriously girl, he is yours." She said
"No I don't want him though."
"Didn't you say you like curly heads and tall people?"
"Even if I did like him, which I don't, I still wouldn't stand a chance. He likes probs people who are at least 5'2 and here I am standing at 4'11. Like you think god made that happen for a reason?"
"Yes actually, what if he liked short people?"
"Pfff I doubt it. Now let's stop talking about him. It's making me sick"
"Whatever. Now, do you wanna go swimming tmrw?"
"Oh yeah sure, just us?" I asked
"Well nah actually..I asked nawaf and cris. They already agreed."
"Nope, forget it I'm not going."
"Come on Jeana, he's not that bad. Just please trust me."
"Fine. But if he annoys me I'm leaving."
"Yay. I'm gonna tell you more about it tmrw in school. Gn"

With that, she hung up. I groaned and put the phone on my nightstand. I turned off the lamp and tried to fall asleep. I was so zoned out though. I went to sleep quickly after that.

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