Chap 30 : Ruin the team

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With a sigh, I walk into the lab. I can't wait for school to be over. I'm so tired already. I'm just glad that I don't have tutor sessions with Asher today. He's good at pissing me off. But with Hernandez, tutoring is actually fun. He makes it worth while.

I drop my bag by the side of my table so I can put on my lab coat. A few people were in the lab, also getting ready for the class as others walk in.

Once I'm done putting on my coat I push my stool back so I can sit. I'm unaware of my stool being pulled away so I fall, on my butt. Ouch.

The landing was embarrassingly loud so it gets the attention of a few people. I hear the sound of laughter erupt from the perpetrators and I huff getting onto my fours so I can stand up. My back makes a snap sound once I straighten up and I put my hand on the table to steady me. That hurt so much.

I turn to look at the people laughing. I sigh when I see it's that black haired girl and her crew. (From Chapter 2)

Her face scrunches up when she sees me looking, "Ew, look away fatso", she says then gives me a disgusted look.

"Why..", I trail folding my fists, "Why did you do that?", I ask and they look amongst themselves then laugh.

"Do what? Make you look like an egg rolling on the floor?", she asks then snickers.

I pick my bag up then give them a menacing look before moving forward to find a new seat. I hold on to my stool this time as I sit and I can hear them snickering from behind. I groan. Stupid jerks.

The teacher walks in and I'm glad. Let's get this over with.

"Okay class put on your safety goggles because we're about to get involved with some chemicals", Mrs Willer says and everyone takes out their goggles. I put mine on, gently clearing my hair out of the way.

"Now that everyone's gotten their goggles on, let's pair up", she says with a small smile and I inwardly sigh.

I don't even bother picking a partner. I'm already used to not getting picked. I usually do my projects myself. With my hand on the table, I place my head in it then wait for everyone to pick their partners.

"Alright now that we've.. ", Mrs Willer stops when she spots me sitting alone, "No partner Abby?", she asks and I shake my head as usual. This isn't the first. She sighs.

"Okay class let's get started. Today we're gonna work on Acid and Base", she says looking at the whole class now.

"I know we're not new comers to this topic that's why it's a practical class. Now with all the items on your tables you can choose to deal with this practical the way you want", she says, "So be creative with it".

Everyone gets to work with their partners while I get to work by myself. As I start with my project, I feel something hit my head but I ignore it but when it comes again and sticks I have no option but to check it out.

I take my hand to my hair then pull out a spit ball. I quickly let go off it so it falls to the floor. Ew, that's so disgusting. Holding someone else's spit ball.

I turn around to see black haired girl and her friends laughing quietly. I groan looking forward. They're so annoying and who still does spit balls?. Ugh.

Mrs Willer catches everyone's attention with the clap of her hands, "Okay everyone, I want you all to focus on Kyle and Maryln's project over there", she says and everyone moves closer to take a good look at it.

I get down from my stool about to go see what she's explaining for the whole class but I stop when I see the black haired girls empty table.

They weren't there, I look around to see them talking instead of paying attention at the front. I roll my eyes then look back at their table, they haven't gone anywhere with their project.

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