Chap 14: Serial-

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I walk to my house with a box of cookies in hand. Sometimes in life we can't just reject things, am I right?. I get in taking my shoes off. They don't look that clean to take into the house.

"Hey Abby", my mum says and I turn to see her sitting on a couch. I look at the tv. Her favorite soap opera was running.

"Hey mum", I say.

"Why so late today?", she asks as I make my way to the stairs.

"Tutoring", I say still walking to my room. I hear her sigh before I reach the top of the stairs. I sigh too. I know it seems like I'm distancing myself these days from her but these past few days have been weird. From getting into detention to buzz cut boy and the Noah issues it's just been crazy.

I sadly walk into my room. I put away my backpack then drop the box of cookies on my table. I fall on my bed afterwards turning to put my face into my pillow and then screaming into it. When I stop I look up and I'm caught up in someone's brown eyes. Through the window, Noah stood watching me with sad eyes. I don't move, I just look back at him and it's like that for a while before I get up from my bed walking to the window. I slowly grab the curtains and although Noah seems like he wants to say something I shut them close.

I walk back to my bed grabbing my phone before heading to the bathroom. So I can cry peacefully with some music.

I put on watch by Billie Eilish after I take my clothes off. I get into the tub, stand under the shower and then turn the water on. The cold water reaches my back just as the chorus starts and I let my tears flow with the water.

I sit on the tub and just let myself cry. I cry so hard I don't even realize when the song ends and enters a pop song. Which makes the whole cry episode freaking weird.

"Are you kidding me?!".


I walk back into the room with a robe on. I sit in front of my mirror. My face looks like a washed up jean. It's so white and my eyes are red like a chain smoker's. The 'I took a long bath' lie will do the trick.

I put the hair dryer on so I can dry my hair. I don't really put an effort in getting it to look good. I just put it in a messy bun then just sit there for a while, letting out a sigh escape my lips every few seconds.

When I finally get up I make the effort to change into a hoodie and jogger pants. I get into my bed and slowly devour the cookies. Carmen's cookies are like so good you'd think her recipe's from heaven. I miss baking with her.

If I was just a bit slim everything would be easier. I could wear what I want, eat what I want without thinking of how I'd gain a thousand pounds afterwards and maybe just maybe I wouldn't get bullied anymore.

I put the cookies down, a subtle frown on my face. My mind goes back to Noah and I's argument and honestly.. I can't believe I said he was full of shit. And sexual problems? Christ, I've said alot today. I put my head in my hands shaking it slightly.

Noah's a good friend and I know it but.. he didn't really show that today. From the moment Loren started cussing at me he would have stood up for me but he didn't and I wonder why.. or was it because he was mad at me earlier? But what if I was mad at Noah and something like that happened to him, I know I'd stand up for him without a thought. Maybe he's not a good friend after all. And maybe Loren's right, I'm a homework slave. My career started off with Noah and I'd like to say it ended there.

I pick up my bag pulling my sketch book out. I look at all the sketches I've made. They mean so much to me.. I wish Noah would appreciate them the way Hernandez did. But I can never really know if he'll find them disturbing until I show them to him. Well one thing's for sure I can't show him now or anytime soon because it's clear enough to say we're no longer on speaking terms.

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