Kickin's Secret

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It was a bright, sunny afternoon. The sun shined throughout the small neighborhood-like area the critters lived in, bringing out the colors in the critters themselves.

However, something in particular seemed off.

Bubba, the baby blue elephant, was sitting on a bench, relaxing. He flipped through some pages on a book he read, one that he was particularly invested in at the moment.

Kickin, the yellow chicken stared at Bubba from a distance, trying to decide whether to approach Bubba, and start up a conversation with him.

The thought alone gave him the jitters, an overwhelming feeling of nervousness growing within him at the simple thought of doing so.

Still...he had to try somehow, right? Maybe this time he'd tell Bubba. They've hung out a few times anyways, right?

Though...he still had to wonder, could Bubba feel the same?

He is one of the critters Kickin has hung out with the most, perhaps just as much, if not maybe even a little more than Hoppy.

Despite what Kickin initially assumed about the elephant, Bubba had shown quite a bit if interest in Kickin's skateboard tricks and the like.

In fact, Kickin pushed himself a bit further to try and learn some newer and cooler tricks to impress Bubba, although he occasionally got himself injured doing so.

Whenever he did, Bubba would always be there to help him, helping patch up the wound, especially if any bleeding occurs, and sometimes giving him a small bit of safety advice.

They did have quite the strong friendship

Maybe it's worth a shot. Or...he could try giving the elephant a hint?

Yeah...that'll do!

Kickin took a deep breath before walking up to Bubba, who glanced up from his book for a moment, seeing Kickin approach him. He placed his book down as Kickin made his way in front of the elephant.

"Hey there Bubba! I wanted to ask if you'd uh..."

Kickin felt his body heat up as he nearly was at a loss for words. He did his best not to stutter, already a bit too afraid to follow through with his plan.

"Uh...perhaps h...hang out at your place?"

Kickin asked nervously, his face beginning to turn red. He hoped that Bubba wouldn't have noticed, though he'd consider himself rather lucky if he managed to slip that past the elephant.

Bubba raised an eyebrow, before a small smile grew on his face. He nodded, grabbing his book as he stood up.

"Well...I don't see why not. I don't have any plans for the day, about we head over to my place now, hm?"

Bubba asked, glancing towards Dogday, who was playing soccer with Hoppy currently. He turned back towards Kickin, holding out a hand for him.

Kickin smiled,  slowly placing his feathered hand onto Bubba's.

"Sounds great to me!"

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