Safe place 1

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Hi guys I will publish next chapters on Sunday stay tuned.


Enjoy reading.


He started.
"I am not that much fierce person, that you imagined me."
He stated looking at his intertwined hands on his lap.

"No you are not that much scary I had imagined, I had watched how much fierce you are with my own personal eyes."
Mugdha just internally thought.

Don't be scared of me mugdha .
He said his voice dripping pain,



what he said?

"Don't be scared."
Like she is scared of him,
she is not okay,
she scoffed at him internally and looked at his side.
He was looking at her, straight into her eyes.

His Black eyes looking at her green ones, with so much intensity that she can't move her gaze from him like his eyes are saying dare you move your eyes.

Maybe she is scared now, her mind is not working anymore.
It's muddled. It's started to suffocate again. It's hard to breathe again. And it feels like burden on her body .

He commanded

And she breathe.

After two minutes silence.

"Mugdha rest assured I will not touch you inappropriately without your will, okay."
His magnetic voice slow soft caring and promising. Not like afternoon when he shouted.  It is More like at evining when he gave her gift and apologized.

It's feeling light now.

She is happy he will not do anything with her and then she can divorce him after some days or weeks may be and then he will be on his way and she will be he way no problem.

Her twinkling eyes showing same emotion hriday had watched when she heard he will not come tonight cause of some work.
And he didn't like it a bit.

"BUT. "
His voice is hard again.

'What but ?'
Mugdha question in her head.

"You are my wife don't forget that. You are very important part of my life now and always will be. I had made arrangements for your protection, which you have to follow. Understand ."
Mugdha didn't understand anything, nor she had heard anything other than 'you are my wife',  it's not just a statement it's a threat he was reminding her that she is his and can't have any relation with any other man. She is not stupid to not understand underlying meaning, means she had to maintain his reputation and behave accordingly..

Okay she can it will be only for some months. She nodded her head yes.

I will tell you about your security staff.
He said. And she looked at him with questioning look.

" What security and why security. "

He understands her questions without any voice.

"We had enemy who had created many problems in our life some years ago, exactly five years, he returned now. You are also family so he will try to harm you also, that's why for your protection we are taking security measures."
Hriday slowly started to tell her five years she knows what happened at that time riots and death's so many deaths.
She had seen it with her own eyes.

Her breathing quicken she started to shiver terribly.

There was blood

Every where.

They were burning men's alive.

She can't move.

can't make noise

can't come out.

She had seen everything being hidden in that trashbin.

but can't voice out.

that man was laughing like maniac, cutting children like cutting vegetables.


Their shouts and cries are still ringing in  her head.

They were pleading for their lives.
Their children lives.

And that man was laughing hysterically shouting,

you can't even save this pests, how will you worthy of my bird."
He was enjoying their pain.

"Calm down."
Someone pat her head

"It's okay."
Someone held her shivering hands.

"Your safe."
She can heard his heartbeat.

"Every thing is okay."
She can feel warmth.

This voice is soothing, Tempting, melodious, magnetic.

She is feeling safe.
She is safe.

Drowsiness took over her. But she didn't feel that warmth get away.
It was there.
Giving her sense of protection.
It's good.
Really good.

Hriday had held her in his lap when he watched she is shivering, she is not looking at anything in particular.
He had shouted her name, but she didn't heard.
She is in panicked attack.

He understands.

But why?

He placed his hand on hers like every time she tried to ran away from him he expected her to throw away his hand and run.
But she held it tightly.

Like , her life depends on it.

She was scared and she is crying.

Hriday after some considerations scoot towards her, she held his forearm tightly till her nails pierced through his skin, blood started to come out but hriday care anything about that .

He held her in his embrace and started to say sweet words and it started to work .
She started to calm down like a little baby. She was clinging to him. He held her in his arms and took her to bed.

She was drifting to sleep but still helding on him, he layed beside her, holding her in tight but safe grip.

She is not in her senses but she wants some one to be there for her he knows.
This feeling he had felt sometimes in his life.

She was smuggling close to him. And he let her do that. Her fingers still on his forearm tightly clunching. Like she is afraid if she loosened her grip on him, he will disappear.

I will always be with you.
Don't worry.
He cooed her with sweet voice and rub his hands on her back like calming down a little child. Just like he always does with harika and nischal.

She seems to calm down but still her grip didn't loose. Well Hriday didn't mind.

He is happy feeling her this close, with her one hand on her back and other on her waist he pulled her towards him and she embraced him in her sleep, her breathing is even now and she is in her Deep sleep.

Her sandalwood fregrence making hriday drowsy with every passing second and her soft skin against his rough one is giving satisfied pleasure.

He wanted to know all answers for his question but not now.

Now he only wants to be happy with his wife.

She can trust him in her sleep then why can't she trust him in her consciousness It is bothering him.

Maybe omkar didn't get her full life history, she is really a mistery.

His Mistery.

She is safe and he will make sure to make her feel safe and happy.


Being her safe place.

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