Turmoil 2

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Looking at the mirror mugdha was taking out her bangles which are of gifted by her both sisters in law's.

They are beutiful just like the persons who choose them.

Suddenly she started to remember how her latika bhabhi And Sandhya made her ready by putting all their heart to make her look beautiful . and she is really looking beautiful. How latika bhabhi stood near her till whole function got end and introduce her to everyone present in function.

Well most of the people mugdha knows as they are also business related to Agnihotri's, and those who she didn't knew latika bhabhi had special way of introducing them .

She is Mrs Morvar she is a very great bitch, cause back bitching it's her high class talent.
She had made many companies loses by her back bitching talent.

Look at her she is Mrs Rohile she is typical money minded gold digger she can sell her husband also for money. She only friend zone who are rich.

And here comes the most awaited guest. Mrs Chorbele. She is so lovely and sweet that her diabetic husband is keeping spicy mistress to balance the sugar.

And on an on.

It continued for atleast three hours. all guest met me and well all of them were talking in themselves looking at me hushed, well gossiping in front of her about her .

But Hriday's mother shut them up with breaking the contract they were having with her textile industry.

And then

'Oh god Mrs singhania your daughter in law is looking more beautiful than in real than that of photos '
This is what that lady said.

Well it's not any type of complement it was direct insult as this lady Mrs Morvar was gaining every one's attention to the photos of aparna on Instagram.

Well even if mugdha don't have any account on her name she is active in social media to stalk many people . well who ever is related to the case of her mother decades ago. And her enemy circle.

"Yaa I also have seen her photos in some western clothes .
Said Mrs Chorbele ."

"Oh, there she ware with some of her friends no. Such lovely time with friends on beach. She had so many followers more than millions."

Listening to them mugdha understand that this lady is talking about aparna's some swim suit photos.

With her mother in law.

How will she react only this fear is bubbling in mugdha's mind.

"Well Mrs Morvar to post photos somewhere and to get so many followers one must have good face with fit body right!"
Well vasundhara is not some one who can be tropled by Any one well no one.

"And well about my daughter in law. she didn't had any account on social media.
do you mugdha?"
Vasundhara asked mugdha lovingly watching vasundhara's big doe eyes like some curious child. mugdha herself felt baffled, oh...Kay acting start.

She just shaked her head in no.

"Dekha Mrs Morvar. "

"Mrs singhania why are you calling aprna as mugdha."

"Well Mrs Morvar she is not aprna she is mugdha another daughter of Agnihotri's."
Vasundhara replied in her tight lip smile which was screeming get lost now both of you.

Both Mrs Morvar and Mrs Chorbele left from there feeling insulted. They came here to meet daughter in law of singhania's and didn't even knew her Name.
So they run like scared kittens, well what can they do. these all women ware involved in fashion industry and vasundhara singhania is one of the biggest fashion Diva and buisness woman in the circle.

Mugdha first didn't thought that her mother in law will took a stand for her. watching the drama had in the afternoon but it felt warm , this is not going to be like what she had thought before marriage.

the way hriday took stand for her in front of his whole family,
how harshad bhaisa helped her,
how kalyani bhabhi, latika bhabhi And Sandhya are giving her support she is feeling something wierd but good.

She was smiling whole function and latika bhabhi is making sure of that the smile on mugdha's face should not vanish for a second.

Mugdha is feeling delighted.

That woman who didn't want her in this house is protecting her and giving her same importance as she gave her children, it was first time that mugdha was got insulted and some one took stand for her in big function like this .

Mugdha will not forget this favour she will repay vasundhara's kindness.
This is what Mugdha was thinking with her little moist emerald green eyes which are contained so much respect and admiration for the woman of her nightmare.

How can such lovely womens son be that kind of monster she didn't understand.

When hatred is developed in two people, people are tend to create problems in their life and enjoy the misery of other people.

But this lady hating her to the core for making her son rebel, but still fighting for her.

Mugdha can't count how many people vasundhara handled through out the function, for her disability.

Latika got called by nirbhay that's why kalyani come and took latika's place.

"Don't be worried no one can have those guts to point a finger at singhania's.
And mom will never let it happen, they will get their share of punishment anyway."
Kalyani assured her.

Mugdha felt good for two reasons one she is not alone.

And second she will not be able to stop her tears listening the conversation those women started after latika got out of for some work.

Only women are present in this function, soon dance performance started all ladies took their respective places and watched traditional dancers dance on some Rajasthani songs.

As royal family women, no one in the family can dance to just entertain someone. But as a new bride mugdha was asked to dance, well sandya had asked her if she can dance and mugdha had answered positively. Mugdha danced for two and half minutes but all ladies ware mesmerized by her Swift move and alluring smile.
That even after her performance ended no one move an inch.

After sometime they all started clapping and most of the ladies then praised her.

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