Chapter Thirty-Three

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^^^^ us after pranking yall lmfaooo

tbh the ogs who've read this book since it was first published prolly knew what was going on bc i've actually pulled this prank before lol sorry not sorry

anyway enjoy this chapter!

We arrived at Penn station half an hour later. I spent the drive jotting down the extra details I'd seen in my most recent visions. Luke, who sat next to me this time, was very helpful and allowed me to bounce ideas off him. I kept wondering if I should ask him about why he didn't really like prophecies, but I never did.

We looked at bus lines and were extremely excited to find a cheap one that would take us all the way to Union Station in Washington, D.C. The only downside is that we had a four-hour layover. At least the 8-hour ride would have plenty of stops. Oakley celebrated our good luck by buying more cheap coffee.

Since we'd gotten our tickets pretty last-minute, we were at the back of the boarding line. Since it was open seating, this meant that we'd most likely be scattered throughout the bus. This was less than ideal, especially if we had to make an emergency exit due to a monster or something. On the plus side, it allowed us to see who was on the bus and make sure there weren't any monsters.

Sure enough, we had to sit separately. I was lucky enough to be between the window and a twenty-something woman who busied herself reading what looked like a romance novel. I didn't have my glasses so I couldn't read the words on the front of the novel, but there was a picture on the cover of what looked a werewolf carrying a woman bridal style. The woman wore a dress with a very low neckline and had long dark hair. The werewolf dude had no shirt so you could see his 10-pack. I wondered what Remus would think of that drawing.

Looking away from the woman enraptured with her romance novel, I stared out the window. Within an hour we'd left New York City and were cruising through New Jersey. We were probably almost in Edison, meaning we were about an eighth of the way there.

When I got bored of staring out the window, I got out my journal and looked over what I'd written down from the extra details I'd seen in my latest vision. I hadn't gotten many more details this time around, but that just happened sometimes. I'd probably get some more details next time.

I turned back the pages to the old visions, the ones I'd had about Luke and Percy Jackson. I hadn't looked at those in a while. After my vision of Sirius dying didn't come true, I figured I could change what happened to Luke as well, so none of these visions would matter. I read the notes Malfoy had made in the margins with his neat handwriting.

I sighed quietly. I felt kind of guilty for allowing myself to drift apart from Malfoy. He could be a good friend when he wanted to be, and a small part of me couldn't help wondering: if we'd stayed close, would he have changed the way he thought about blood status? Would he have become friends with my other friends?

"Love is hard, isn't it?" asked the lady next to me.

"Huh?" I frowned at her, wondering what on earth she was talking about, then realized her appearance seemed to change every few seconds. First she had dark brown hair and sharp facial features, then emerald green eyes and a crooked smile, then sandy hair and mischievous blue eyes.

Obviously she was a goddess, and I'd seen the constant transformations before on my visits to Mount Olympus on the solstice visits. She was always changing her appearance so that she would be the viewer's ultimate idea of beauty. This, coupled with the fact that she was brazenly reading a romance novel on a bus, in public, made me realize who she was.

"Lady Aphrodite?" I guessed. The goddess smiled and gave me a wink. She closed her novel, bookmarking her place with her thumb.

"Smart and adorable," Aphrodite said, as if I were a puppy who'd just learned to roll over. "Yes, darling, I am Aphrodite."

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