Chapter 8

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"Bye." I said watching him leave.

"Why would you fuck him of all people?" Milly spat.

"I-don't know he was being nice it- it just felt right."

"Well it isn't." She snapped.


"You are my best friend I should be able to tell you my opinion that is my sisters boyfriend that you are fucking."

"She is blackmailing him!"

"He shouldn't cheat!"

"Get out!"


"GET OUT!" I screamed pushing her out the door.

The door slammed shut and I fell to the ground crying.

I stay there for about an hour before standing up and heading to the kitchen.

I pulled my sleeve up and grabbed a knife.

I bring the blade to my wrist and feel the blood drip down my wrist.

I can't breathe. My chest feels tight. My breath is quick. I fall to the ground pulling my legs to my chest and covering my ears with my hands.

Breathing is hard.

It hurts.

Everything hurts.

My vision starts fading.

Before I knew it I was out cold.


I woke up to someone shaking me.

"LIAM." I'm being shook.

I open my eyes a little to see Thomas shaking me. He looks terrified.

"Liam please answer me are you okay?"

"I'm-fine." I said quietly.

"Oh thank God." He said pulling me into a hug.

He was squeezing so hard.

"I'm okay you don't have to squeeze so hard."

"Sorry." He said.

"Do I need to take you to hospital why were you passed out?"

"I'm fine it just happens sometimes." I say. I move my hand up to rub my eyes but my sleeve slipped down.

Thomas' eyes widened.

"Liam what the fuck."

"Hm." I looked at my wrist.

I pulled my sleeve down to cover it but it was to late he had already seen them.

He scooped me up into his arms and he took me upstairs to my room he layed me down on my bed.

He kissed my forehead.

"Just get better." He said softly.

"I'm gonna stay with you."

"But you have to go to school." I said weakly.

"I'd rather he hear with you." He said brushing his thumb against my forehead.

"Now get some rest."

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