Chapter 7

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BEFORE WE START. Tell me why I was looking for fic recs on tik tok and I found myself like wtf. Anyways let's continue.


"Milly!" I yelled.

"What?" She turned to face me.

"Why did you slap him me and him fixed everything we made up and you slap him."

"He had made your life a living hell and he cheated on my sister with you."

"Since when did you care about her?" I asked.

"I don't but cheating isn't ok."

"Neither is blackmail." Thomas said still on the ground.

"What?" Milly asked.

"Your sister blackmailed me into the relastionship are you gonna defend that?"

"She did? With what?"

"She has a video of me kissing a guy and you know how our school is. It would ruin me I'd have to quit the rugby team I'd loose my friends-

"So." I said.

"What?" He looked at me confused.

"You can still play rugby there are other teams. Your friends are horrible bullies. You don't need either."

"You don't fucking get it!" His voice was raised and harsh. It reminded me of all the times he insulted me.

He lifted his arm up and I flinched.

His anger seemed to stop after I did that.

"I'm sorry. But I can't give up those things I just can't."

"I-I get it."

The truth was I didn't get it.

"I knew you would." He smiled and kissed me before turning and leaving.

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