Chapter 14

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Kate told Tom about the pottery and other relics that were found during the initial discovery of the ruin. He reiterated he thought it was a pyramid. She believed too much of the rock formation was buried under the mountainside to make that determination. They both agreed with the finding archeologists that the site was of Inca origin. One scientist even theorized that it could be the tomb of Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor.

Maybe. Maybe not.

They had little time and few resources to work with, but digging up the past was Tom's area of expertise. He took the top half of the mountain and let Kate handle the bottom half. He told her it would be safer for her to take the lower ground. She initially objected, but he insisted. She didn't know he had ulterior motives. He had a hunch.

They worked carefully, one rock at a time, zone by zone in a grid-like pattern. Sweat saturated their clothes. Dirt and grime smudged their faces, caked under their fingernails, and soiled the knees of their pants. Unfortunately, by late afternoon, luck had evaded them at every turn.

Tom collapsed to his knees on the side of the pyramid. Yes, he still thought it was a pyramid.

Kate said, "We may have to set-up camp and resume work in the morning."

"What's wrong, your dishpan hands not holding up in the jungle?" he replied.

"You're the one that doesn't look so hot."

Tom sat on his rear end and then stretched out on his back, put his hands behind his head. "That's where you're wrong. I can't get any hotter in this humidity. As a matter of fact, I'd give one of my pinky toes for a cool breeze, but I'm not holding my breath."

"Please do."

They shared a smile that faded when he thought of the history between them. It felt like ancient history. Something else bugged him. Not Kate, a protruding rock under his head. He rolled over and moved it out of the way, revealing a small hole. A hole that breathed air cooler than the surrounding jungle.

His hunch may have paid off. He started digging with his hands. "I didn't have to hold my breath. Today's our lucky day."

"What is it?" Kate hovered over him.

"Get down here and help me. My shoulder still hurts."

After several minutes of excavation, Tom sat back on his heels and stared at the hole. "It's obviously a vent hole. The Incas would have used it to supply air during construction of the pyramid."

"I'm still not convinced it's a pyramid," Kate said.

"What else could it be?" He gave her an exasperated glare.

"We don't know. More excavation will be required to be certain."

Tom's focus returned to the hole in the mountainside. He gave it a good once over. "It looks too small for my shoulders to fit through."

"You're right, you'll never make it down that shaft," Kate declared, "but I can."

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