Chapter 5

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Tom's path to the wrought-iron chair on an outdoor patio, and a tiny cafe nestled in the middle of a treasure trove of shops and street booths, involved a layover in Mexico City. From there, a puddle jumper flew him to Banos, a city in Ecuador with easy access to the Amazon River Basin and points in between.

Eddie had been convincing. He needed financial help to avoid losing his head, literally, to a feared drug lord. Tom didn't keep twenty-five grand in his billfold, but he had access to it. Of course, he wanted to see Eddie in person, look him in the eyes, before he dipped into his savings account.

A waiter brought out a menu, the entrees in Spanish, but with the English translation noted beneath each item. Then his satellite phone rang. Cell reception this far out of the way was non-existent.

"Yes, Ava?" he said, dry and flat like he had something better to do in the jungle.

"You don't have to be such a butt; I'm just checking on you. Are you taking the antibiotics I prescribed you?"

"Two a day. One in the morning and one in the evening. Like you ordered."

"Any bite is subject to infection."

"I know, I know. The doctors at the emergency room explained all that. Are you feeding Sheriff?"

"I fill his bowl every morning before going to the office, and then I fill it again after work."

"That's good. What about water? If you don't keep his bowl full, he'll drink from the horse's trough."

"I've got this, Tom." Ava paused, then tightened her voice. "Tom..."

"I know. Don't worry, my eyes are peeled."

"Watch out for yourself. If Eddie is on the bad side of a drug cartel..." Her words trailed off.

With the morning sun rising higher in the east, Tom angled the breakfast menu toward the growing light so he could see better. His stomach growled. "Don't worry. What's the worst that could happen?"

"You could die."

"Besides that?"

"Just be safe and take your meds."

"I am. I'm feeling better every day. No more shortness of breath. Not near as bad anyway. And the swelling has gone down. Just a little red around the fang marks. Good as new."

"Get back to Texas at the first sign of trouble."

"Will do, Sis."

Ava said goodbye and then Tom ended the call.

No trouble here.

Funny thing was, he hadn't seen the waiter since he brought out the menu... not to mention the fact that Tom was oddly the only one seated outside.

Something pricked his neck. 

Tom's vision swam and darkened around the edges. He lost hold of the menu and slumped forward. He tried to steady himself, but his face planted into the crisscrossed lacing of the metal tabletop. Then a shade of blackness glided over him, and he fell into a dark pool of nothingness.

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