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And there they were, sitting in a taxi on their way to the airport.

The day before Kylo slept over at Saena's place and they finished packing their bags for the trip. They also went shopping for snacks, since the flight is over a whole day long and the snacks on the plane aren't that good.

Kylo was looking out the window the whole car ride, deep in thought.

They soon arrived and thanked the driver before paying and taking their luggage.

"Wait a minute" Kylo stopped Saena as she was about to enter the airport. She turned to him.

"What is it?" She asked. Kylo didn't answer, so Saena took out her phone, texting Chan.

private messages
criss.cross_ || chans.lapt0p

Hey bby💕
I might not text for a
few days
Me and Kylo are going on
a trip so we won't talk to
you for two or so days...
Just so you won't be worried
Igtg tho
I luv u <3
delivered 1:06pm


He just kept looking around the place before waving over to someone. Saena didn't notice this as she was still on her phone. Someone creeped up to them.

"Boo!" The person whispered in Saena's ear, the older jumping. She turned around, ready to attack, but instead let out a sigh.

"Jesus Christ! What are you two even doing here?!" She whisper-shouted at Iris and Seolya who were standing in front of her.

"Well about that..." Kylo scratched the back of his neck. "You know how I said I wanna bring them along...."


" 'M sorry.." he pouted

"You could've at least told me! Where will you two even be staying?"

"Well... I'm good friends with Miso?" Seolya said. "Maybe two of us could stay at her place and the other two at Dokyun's place?"

"Yeah if they'll be okay with it." Iris shrugged. Saena just shook her head.

"Fine just- come on, we're soon boarding.." she entered the airport and saw their flight was now boarding.

They entered the line and waited to get checked in.

"Kylo did you tell Jisung that you won't text him?" Saena asked in a panic.

"Don't worry, I did. I told him I'm going on a trip with you, bla bla bla..." He received a smack from the older female. "Ouch.." he pouted again.

Saena rolled her eyes as it was their time to get checked. They boarded the plane and found their seats. Sadly, they weren't sitting next to each other.

Seolya and Iris were near the front, Iris sitting behind Seolya, while the other two were sitting in the same row near the back.

Kylo was sitting in the middle row in the middle seat, while Saena was in the right row next to the window.

She set down her bags and got comfy for the long flight.

"This will take a while..." She thought as she put her earphones in, blasting Blueprint by Stray Kids.


I actually posted this on the 27th, like I said I would✌️ congrats me
Also why Blueprint, I listened to it while writing that part
It's a good song stream it!!

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