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"Haha very funny. Come here your bandage is coming off" Saena said as she pulled Kylo closer to her, fixing his bandage.

"I'm serious I swear! Here flight to South Korea" he said pulling out his phone and showing the female the ticket payment. Her eyes widened as she momentarily stopped fixing the bandage.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! Look!"

"Kylo don't fudge with me-"

"I SWEAR! It's true"

"And where did you get the money if I may ask?" Saena asked, raising an eye brow. Kylo gave her a 'what the fuck' face.

"Girl my parents are rich. They won't notice if 10,000€ goes missing" Kylo shrugged and the female choked on her saliva.

"Excuse me- 10,000€?!" She basically screamed. Kylo nodded

"I'm also the middle child, they don't pay attention to me so it was easy to take the money." He said

"Oh my god you thief- OW?" She mumbled but was cut off by a slap on the arm. Kylo smiled teasingly and Saena scoffed and finally fixed the younger's bandage.

"I'm not a thief, I'm just really sneaky."

"Aha yea sure. Anyways are you okay? The head I mean" She hung her head low

"It hurts a bit, but I'm fine. It'll heal overtime." He smiled and side-hugged Saena. "Just please try NOT to hit me in the head with a pan again. Ow.." he rubbed his head

"Any YOU text me when you are coming over. I thought someone broke into my house!" That made them both laugh. Saena then took out her phone.

"What are you doing?" Kylo peeked at the screen.

"I'm telling Chan that I'm coming to Kor-" before she could finish her sentence, Kylo grabbed her phone from her hands.

"Uh- no you aren't. We will surprise the guys." He said

"Fine... Can I at least tell Seolya? Please~" She asked with puppy dog eyes. Kylo sighed and handed back her phone.

"Fine, but if she-" there was a loud knock on the door which made the two flinch.

Seolya entered.

"You bitch I thought you were dying- oh hey Kylo" she smiled and sat on the couch. She observed his face for a moment, then gestured to his head. "What happened to you?"

"Long story..."

"I don't wanna know." She stood up "anyways I'm staying the night whether you like it or not" she giggled and ran upstairs, Kylo running after her.


Saena shook her head and whispered to herself.

"These kids..."


Sorry for not posting often eheh-
But I have a week off of school so I'll try to post but don't expect chapters to come out everyday🤠

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