2 | Just Getting Started

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"So, where exactly are we?" The cyan-eyed female worker drone would look to her left where her acquaintance was walking alongside her. "Why do you think I'd know? I just asked if you wanted to go exploring and we ended up here." The tan-eyed drone would look to his right at her, shrugging as he talked.

"Well, it was your idea to come out here so you should know." The female worker drone would cross her arms as they kept on walking further down the abandoned road in the city. They had left their camp as soon as the sun had set, but now the sky was starting to get bright again.

The male drone would sigh and stop walking. "I guess we should get back before the others start looking for us." The female drone would nod, and they'd both turn around to walk back the way they had come from. But just as they did, the sound of what sounded like glass shattering could be heard from the shop they were crossing in front of.

Both drones would immediately stop and look inside the abandoned shop. The front had a few support bars for what used to be an all-glass front, but now it was all shattered and it was just the frames. Inside was what looked like some kind of old jewelry store, with linings of display cases showing off shiny jewels and fancy watches.

The male drone would gulp and walk towards the shop's frames, glaring inside for any sign of life, but from outside it was far too dark to be able to make anything out. The drone would climb over one of the struts to get inside the shop, and as he did, the other drone would call out to him. "Wh-what are you doing?" "Just looking around, Amy, it's fine."

Amy would nervously gulp and climb over the strut, looking at the pearls and necklaces as they both walked by. Just up ahead, a little more shuffling could be heard coming from behind the counter. Amy would freeze, but the male drone would slowly inch ahead, grabbing a shard of glass on the floor and holding it up.

"Show yourself! I-I'll warn you, I'm armed!" The male drone would approach the counter, peeking over it. But, it was just more broken glass and some dropped rings and such. He'd let out a big sigh of relief, and turn around. But as he did, a male-looking worker drone would drop from the ceiling, shakily standing up while retracting a set of claws from one of its hands.

The machine would look up to face the male drone, as it did a yellow 'X' igniting on its screen. The drone looked dented and damaged from head to toe, and it had strange wirey protrusions along its arms connecting to its hands and fingers. The monster drone would grin, using the hand with its claws still deployed to grip the male drone by the neck.

"Henry!" Amy would call out from behind, running up and whacking the monster worker with a necklace. The grinning drone would turn around, its hand shaking as its claws extended. Amy would back up, Henry gurgling as he struggled to get enough leverage to breathe.

The monster drone would spin around a few times, throwing Henry into Amy, and knocking both out of the shop. "Agh... Amy, y'okay?" Henry would get up first, extending a hand to help Amy up. As she reached up to grab his hand, the monster drone would once again grab Henry by the throat, this time, switching from an 'X' on its visor to a strange box with three arrows pointing out of it.

Amy tried to jump up, but the monster drone would put a foot down on her chest, keeping her pinned to the ground while the drone deployed a syringe containing some kind of yellow liquid in it with its free hand. As the monster-drone thrust its hand into Henry's face, a blade would be plunged through the monster-drone's chest, immobilizing it.

The monster drone's grip would let up, dropping Henry. The monster drone would try to turn around to see what it was, but as it did, a blade would swipe right through its neck, decapitating it. The blade in its chest would be pulled out, and the drone would collapse to the pavement on the floor.

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