1 | Reawakening

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V would lightly flicker her eyes awake. She felt the droplets of something lightly tapping against her head, but she was too tired to care. V would close her eyes, trying to remember what happened. But it all felt... fuzzy. All she remembered was red, and the eldritch horror in the floor, and...

Oh. Her memories finally clicked back into place, as she remembered. She'd open her eyes again, slightly more annoyed at the light taps of oil hitting her head now. She would weakly look down to her chest, trying to find the giant hole the monster's tentacle had caused. But, it all seemed fixed. Still... something didn't feel right. Her code was a mess, and everything went blank a few moments after being impaled. Wasn't she technically dead in that moment?

V would finally lift her gaze, noticing that she was no longer in the red pits of the facility but was back at the entrance. Is this some kind of afterlife dream? She silently pondered to herself. She would trace her eyes to the broken struss and supports in the middle of the room, examining the pithole that led to the surface that she and the others had used to get into the facility.

After fully reliving her memories of what had happened in the facility, she flicked her eyes to the ceiling, watching as the sweet drops of oil continued to splash against her visor, which her systems drank up through her skin.

As she pondered everything that had happened and how she was still alive, a light commotion would come from V's right side. She'd turn her head slowly, looking at the immobile body of her friend, J, where a light beep would be ring out for a second, along with a dripping of oil hitting J's head, too. Seeing J gave V a dark pit feeling, since the last that V remembered of J was that she was still alive. But... if J was dead, and maybe if the others were too, how were they here, and how was she alive again?

It made V lightheaded to ask all these questions while her system was oddly low on oil supply. Again, she brought her attention back to the now rather annoying drops of oil hitting her head. But, before she could react to that, she noticed J's visor flicker online. After a moment of booting up, J's eyes would display, where the drone would ponder the facility in much the same way that V had a moment ago. V would muster up the strength and call out, "Yo, J."

J would slowly turn her head, examining V. After a minute, J's eyes would go wide, as she finally reconnected with her memories. "Aren't you... supposed to be dead?" V would roll her eyes at J's rhetoric statement. "You were, too."

The newly awakened drone sighed, already becoming irritated with the drops hitting her head. She'd push herself off the pillar that she was resting against, stumbling on her stump legs as she did. Finally, J would stand upright, looking around.

J would look back at V. "This isn't... the lair." V would give J a curious glance. "Lair? Last I remember, we were in some kind of holding room." "Maybe if you hadn't died." J would slyly shrug her shoulders as she spoke before limping over and extending a hand to V to help her up. V would slap it away, slowly inching her way up herself. Both drones would look back at the pillars, watching the dripping oil from the ceiling.

J would glance at V. "How... are we alive?" V would shrug, crossing her arms. "I got too little oil in my system to think about that right now." J looked at V, unsatisfied with the response. V would then look at J, asking, "How long has it been since we were knocked out? My systems are all haywire right now." "Why do you think I'd know? My clock's just as off as yours."

After another few moments of silence, V would make her way to the pithole in the ceiling, looking at the rays of darkness beaming down from it. As she did, she was hit with some kind of flashback. It was messy and distorted, but she could make out being placed down on the pillar where she was lying only a few minutes ago. Along with it, she could make out two figures–one being what she thought was N, and the other being in a shiny suit. But before she could really make out the two figures, the drone picked the suited figure up and flew up the hole that she was now looking up at.

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