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Too much, too much, too much
Too much to hold inside
I wish I could remove it all like a big tide
Like a big tide removes all the sand castles
I wish it removed all my hustles

Too much, too much, too much
Too much to tell them
They tell me to open up, yet I'm still closed
Maybe because I'm being forced?
Who knows? Maybe I just don't want to?
I don't want to tell them what that hand has done
Because it's nothing fun 

The fact that hand has traumatized me
The fact is that I can never be free

Too much, too much, too much
Too much to handle alone
I don't even feel real anymore
I just feel like a clone

Just like my presence doesn't matter
My absence won't as well
My presence was inside a cave
My absence will be in a shell

Too much, too much, too much
Too much trauma to deal
Too much time, but still not enough to heal
Can't even have a proper meal
Without having too much to feel

I hope those hands burn
And not just in sun
There in the hell
I hope they swell

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