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Inspiration, that's what you gave me
A will to live
Something worth living for
You turned my dead hope into belief

Maybe, it wasn't you
Or maybe, it was
Who knows?
You can't be described in a clause

"I'll still try
describing you with words
It won't be enough
For the words are all blur

I try writing about you
But there's just so much to write
The fact that you've saved me
Even on the darkest nights

It wasn't like you did something
But it still was so special
You came to me
When I was deep in my battles

You called me
When I was not myself
You remembered me
When everybody remembered to forget

You pulled me
Out and towards yourself
Oh, my purple, you see
I'm full of flaws

But how would you know it?
Even when you knew it
You made sure that
I don't suffer a bit

Oh, my purple
On that starry night
When I and you are alone
Let's fall in each others' arms to never get up 

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