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The rocky road stretched before me, the thirty minute-trek to my apartment felt long for a cozy Monday. Atleast the school day was over. 

Vivians stories had sparked an expected curiosity within me, a yearning to understand this thing called love. It felt strange, this sudden pull, considering it wasn't something I'd ever actively pondered before.

However, the image that materialized on Vivian's phone screen sent a jolt through me. It was a photo of Asante and I, captured when I was sleeping. "Gosh, who took that!" I exclaimed, a touch of panic rising in my voice.

"Who's showing you?"

A groan escalates my lips, "W-hen did you take that?"

A hint of nervousness procures, inciting a slight blush on my cheeks. Our hands were nearly touching, his soft lips parted as he seemed to be getting a good sleep.

"Actually, you two looked cute together. I just thought of capturing something pretty. Tell me.... Do you like him?"

The question strikes a blow directly at my face, turning my stomach with butterflies. Did I like him?

What was the definition of 'liking someone?' ... Someone you don't hate? Someone whom you want them near? Someone whom you can stay with the whole day and not get bored? Someone whom you care about and wish them well all the time?

Did I like him?

Maybe I did. But... Did he like me?

"No. Certainly not. Why would I like him? He store my seat!"

A painful sensation shots through my veins, a realization that I was more like convincing myself than uttering the truth. He would never settle for me and love wasn't the problem that wanted a solution in my life. Love was the only issue that could remain unsolved and yet my life would feel complete...

"Mhh, if you say so. Besides rumor has it that he's dating Glory... This other girl from second year."

The speeding of my heart triggered nerves to pop on my skin, a burning sensation pondering my chest. It was like a dream, not just any dream but a nightmare.

"Wow good for him, I guess."

"But I'd like you too together for real... anyways forget about that. How's your neighbor? That hot guy who used to have a crush on you?"

My mind flips to Aldin, a muscular yet weak guy. With his accent like an American citizen, he was perfect for every girl... He carried charm in his eyes and his step proclaimed a charismatic personality.

"He's still around. Saw him early this morning and I had to use the back way path to avoid any contact with him. It's suffocating."

A slight pout retains from Vee, "Come on. He's good looking, bright, has money and every girl's dream."

"We don't share a connection. He's not my cup of tea." I honestly state. "Now enough about me... About Victor, what did you expect?"

"I mean, I wasn't expecting him to give me anything," Vivian gushed, her face flushed with a mixture of surprise and delight. "I thought he was mad at me or something!"

A forced smile splashed on my face as Vivian recounted the details of Victor's surprise gift. "I knew he was up to something! " I said cheerfully as the tracks of what had happened earlier kept replaying in my head.

"Yeah, he doesn't dissapoint in any sort of way." The glowing smile on her face was brighter than the sun, a dreamy sign escaping her lips. "Here's to hoping he's the one to put a ring on my finger."

She tosses me a pack of chocolate from her glittering gift box. "Indeed honey, to more years of chocolate fueling adventures."

She laughs pinching my shoulder and I nearly scream. "That reminds me!"


"You're crushing at my room today right? You promised!" She asks excited and she already knows the answer.

"I need my puffy pillow this week... But I might crush on yours friday though. Besides I'm not done unpacking and settling. "

"More reasons to crush at mine. Look at the weather, it's too hot to be walking alone. Come on change your mind Lee," Her sad eyes met mine but still I couldn't agree.

"No Vee, atleast friday. Right now go take care of your man and worry about me later."

"Come on Le-"

I interrupted her with a wave, knowing that arguing would cost me more time and energy. "See you tomorrow!"

Her eyes rolled as she matched down her nallow path to her apartment. My steps feeling heavier as I continued my journey.

If only I had much pocket money, I could have been renting a room in that huge upstairs flats Vee was staying in. With the minor adjustments I had to make, turned out that accommodation wasn't such an important problem to rule in. As long as I was still alive, it mattered less.

The vibration of my phone from my pocket brought me back to life and I hesitated at first but still withdrew it from my pocket. A smile beamed across my cheeks as I saw my mom's number.

"Yes Ama, I missed you." A whisper towards the other end went through the phone.

"Same here, the house feels more empty than it already was." Her smooth voice was getting raspy... As if she had been crying. Of course she had.

A tear nearly escaped my eyes, the scorching sun doing its best to melt me. Times and times again, I wished I were the sun. Always vibrant, shining and joyous. Even the things that had no life in them were more happier than me. 

"How are thing's there Lee? You copying up just fine? Or you need some more money to fix thi-"

I interrupted her, "No mom. I told you not to worry about me. I'm doing fine and good here."

"Okay if you say so. But don't hesitate to tell me if you're out of money, I know you're barely surviving."

"Mom. I'm not stranded. Told you, I'll take care of myself don't worry about it that much. Just work on making a quick recovery for my sake." I motivatingly said, knowing too well that the small shop I was running in my area of residence was not paying as much as I needed.

A small sigh came from the other end," I feel like a useless mother, you shouldn't be working that hard on your own..."

The tears roamed down my face and I couldn't help it but let them stroll. Atleast no one was around to see me so I guess wiping them off wasn't the urgent thing to do.

"Mom, you're my everything and that's what keeps me going. Without you in my life, I'd be nothing, I appreciate the effort, love and care you give to me. "

"I know my baby, I love you so much. A day doesn't pass that I don't think of you. But don't worry, after a few weeks I'll be back to work. I think I'm recovering now."

An enormous heat spread like fire in my heart. My mother has less than a year to live and she isn't aware. My heart was dreaded itself from keeping this haunting secret from her. But that's what the doctors said," Don't tell her, atleast let her live her last months in peace."

Stifling a sob, I clutched the phone tighter. My breathing shortening as each second passes. A pang of guilt twisting in my gut, maybe I should have told her. Wiping the tears off my face, a determined glint flickered in my eyes. What could I do?

Heyyy heyyyy sweeets>3
Been so busy lately, had 2 exams yesterday hopefully now I'm kinda free. So I've decided to update !!!!

Hope you are doing great!!

If it were you, would you tell your mom or not?


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