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         "Whats with you and shorty?" Freed asked.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"You got us setting up for this corny ass date and it's like now she's here you're level headed. So whats really going on?" He asked.

"I saw her come in the casino. I knew I wanted her but she wasn't gonna leave ole boy I could see it on her face so I waited patiently till he racked up enough debt he would try to use her as collateral. Then when she got in my possession I tried to show her me. Not Perk but Antonio." I said.

"But she likes perk?" Freed asked.

"No she likes Antonio and I gad her and then I fucked up so if setting up a picnic gets her to lighten up or to open up a little more to me then shit that's what I'm gonna do. Mama said we know who are one is when we put our eyes on her and I did that." I said.

"What if you're not her one? What if she don't forgive that fuck up?" He asked.

"Ima keep coming back till she does." I said.

"So you love her or something?" He asked.

"Naw I like her ass alot though."

            Layer I had everything set up for her. Soft music playing candles lit. Some pillows surrounding us. I had some food out for us to eat. When she walked in for the first time in weeks I seen her smile.

"What is this?" She asked.

"Sit down." I said taking her hand.

"This is cute. You did thus for me?" She asked.

"Yeah, I knew you like this stuff." I laughed as she sat next to me.

"What is this building?" She asked.

"This building is going to secure our future. This rightvhere is our first affordable apartment. These apartments are gonna be for people who are denied government assistance but still need lower rent. These apartments are for you and my kids if anything happens to me I want yall to be set." I explained.

"What do you mean if something happens to you?" She asked.

"Ma I deal with dangerous people every day. I need my family to be okay when my day comes." I said.

"And what happens to the girls?" She asked.

"They would stay with you. I want all my kids together. If we have kids I want my daughter around you if I have an untimely death." I said.

Kidnapped By My Future HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now