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                Here I was looking at my daughters. I was about to tell them that shorty was coming back home. Don't get me wrong my daughters were very important to me. They have been the world since the day they came into this world but there anger was misplaced.

"Look Regina and Gretchen, Lucky is coming back home and you two are gonna get your shit together. You two been giving that girl hell for no reason you wanna be mad fine be mad but how you gonna be mad at a girl who hasn't done shit to you."

"We don't need a mother. She walks around here like she's better then us. Spending all your money, who does she think she is. Tell her to stay away we do not need her." Saphire said.

"I'm the one who asked her to come back. You two might not like her but I do. This whole thing about money isn't even your concern matter of fact since you two are so concerned about my money that I work for how about handing over those cards." I said.

"Daddy no." They said.

"When you guys start acting like I raised you with some sense then you can get them back." I said.

"I wish you killed yourself instead of mom." Emerald said.

"Bet." I said and took her cards.

          I was in Lucky's room watching her unpack her stuff. I'm not gonna lie what Emerald said was bothering the fuck out of me. I give my daughters the world and for them to wish I was the one who was dead. I know she ain't mean it but shit that shit stung.

"You good?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm good. Are you, you just been sitting here staring since I got here." She said.

"Emerald said she wished it was me who was dead and not her mom." I said looking at the ceiling.

"Damn what you do."

"Took away there credit cards." I said.

"There 13 P. They didn't mean that shit. You took away there prized possession, is it fucked up yeah. I know your feelings hurt but trust and believe she didn't mean that shit. Kids are mean." She said.

"What were you like as a kid." I said.

"I grew up differently, I was taken from my mom when I was 4. I jumped from foster home to foster home for two years till they put me in a group home. That's where I met my sister till Carlos mom got me. My first two foster homes were okay. After that it just went down hill. I had a foster dad that tried to slip in my bed, I had one a few that had problems. So I just ran away. When Carlos mom got me I thought it was the prayer I been praying for finally got answered. Then I got with Carlos and at first he was alright but that was all a front." She said.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"Csrlos was sweet and charming. He told me I was beautiful and how great I was. Then after two years later we got married and that's when he started hitting me. By that time I was already isolated. At first I rebelled and that got me locked in the cage. Gatherings I hated that shit. Had to be perfect, hair was perfect, clothes had to be tight showing off everything. Like I was a piece of meat." She said.

"That's why you dress like this." I said.

"All I want is to feel comfortable in my own skin again. I don't want to be anybody arm candy." She said and I sat up. I pulled her closer to me but not close enough to make her feel uncomfortable. Her story kida touched me. Kinda made me feel bad but it made me understand why she was so distant. I mean the girl didn't complain about stuff, she wore a smile on her face.

"You think that's what you are to me." I asked.

"Honestly I don't know. I mean your not really here for me to know." She shrugged.

"Sayless." I said.

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