Carnival (March 22, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 2, first was socials. Most of the class was in the gym to help out with the carnival thing. I did a bit of work but the part time teacher showed us some games she brought xD so L and I played uno :3

Next was French, Mme M gave us some chocolate and we had the period for ourselves! L and I played hangman x3

In math, we played spoons for about 30 minutes! I won about 3 times :0 In one round though I scraped my left forearm a lil x3 Then we played boulettes for the rest :3

Then in physics, we went over to the gym for the carnival thing! I just kinda went along with Raph, we played the games and were pooling our winnings together to split it x3 There were cup games, and it turned out to be quite fun actually! We ended up with a box of smarties each xD

When I got home, I decided not to stream again and work on the socials source analysis. I finished it like right before supper :3

After supper, we watched a movie! It was called The Founder, about the origins of McDonald's x3 It was really odd, a little interesting, and really capitalism and corporate greed esque. Qq

This is where I fell asleep while writing x3

Afterrrr I think I was talking to Elliebubs on call! Don't quite remember what we did x3 but I know it was good >:3

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