HEARTSTOPPER (December 2, 2023)

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Mom woke me up at 2:10 PM, which is 40 mins after I'm meant to stream-

I streamed for 4 hours and 18 minutes, having a pretty alright time! It was mostly good and all, but kithrills was being somewhat impatient about wanting to race, and apparently it wasn't working for them to redeem it, so I turned off the cooldown, but then TBXN and emannelgaming redeemed it too. I didn't really know what to do, we ended up doing a 4 person race, but the thing is that Emanuel said their average is 2:14 on 3x3, so kithrills and tbxn were adding like 2 minutes to their times. What happens when you're a beginner though, is that your "good" solves can be like 30 seconds faster than your average, which was happening where Emanuel was getting sub-2:00s, which made it literally impossible for kithrills or tbxn to win. So then I just canceled the prediction, declared Emanuel the winner, then raced kithrills and tbxn together after in 2x2, which turned out pretty well. I feel like there is an inherent flaw with how the races are redeemed currently, but I don't know how to fix it. I raided someone I don't remember, they had 0 followers though so hopefully that changed ^^

After supper, I went on a call with Saturn and ABSJSVWS ZKZSA A ZOZISVW ASHDOWN Z WE DECIDED TO WATCH HEARTSTOPPER AND I LITERALLY LOVE IT SO MUCH 😭😭 I'm so invested, and my little gay heart is so attached 🥺 Since it's all about Nick and Charlie being in love and stuff, it's made me feel more romantic and I just feel so in love with Satsat 🥺🥺🥺💙 It was really fun watching with xem, I really wanna continue watching when we get the chance!! Xe also talked about having a plan to surprise me when xe travels here to Canada, and it has something to do with mail?? I'm really confused on that x3

On top of being the most beautiful person inside, xe's also so good looking too like 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙 I just love my enboy so darn much 💙💙💙💙

It is now 3:42 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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