Chapter 24 'The Story So Far'

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[And with another week passing, we're back once more with some Yandere Makima. This book has really been on a good roll as of late and that really helps me to keep these chapters coming. Because it seems like you guys are liking it through the support this book gets, and that only wants me to keep it going even more. So I hope you're enjoying the story so far, and I hope you're ready for what's to come as we continue to venture further into what I have in store.]

[Because trust me...If you thought the first part was mind-bending, just you wait~]

[3rd Person POV]

Before Makima met (Y/n), she rarely had fun in her day-to-day life as the head of Public Safety. Heck, she rarely had fun even when she could reveal her true nature as a control devil. Now, sure, she did enjoy controlling the weak-willed into killing themselves for her amusement. But even then, it was a fleeting feeling. But once she met (Y/n), she came to realize just what it was like to have the human kind of fun. The fun that she could actually enjoy. Most of which was because she was with (Y/n), so really, they could be rolling around in the mud and Makima would still have fun...Actually, that didn't sound so bad that Makima was now thinking about it...Even so! The point was, her (Y/n) was amazing at making anything enjoyable. 

But whereas they could have fun together, there was also a type of fun that Makima solely gathered herself when being next to her favourite person in the world. And that was being able to make (Y/n) go from a confident, funny, male, to a blushing mess that struggled to keep eye contact with her. Though, in the regard of making a man blush, (Y/n) wasn't the first to do so when in the presence of Makima. Far from it. There had been plenty who had found her attractive and showcased such through the red tints on their cheeks. Whether they planned for her to see it or not. But Makima never once cared about them. She only came to care about (Y/n)'s reactions. The way he'd nervously shift his eyes to the side when she got real close. 

The nervous scratches to the back of his neck whenever she'd ask him to do something that made him uncomfortable, whether that be zipping up the back of her dress; or asking his opinion on whether a particular pair of jeans 'made her butt look big'. They were simple things that clearly drove (Y/n)'s inner boy mind crazy, but crazy in a good way. After all, Makima knew a lot about crazy, so she was more than willing to welcome it. However, out of everything, there was one thing Makima loved to do with (Y/n), especially when in the company of others. And that was made him endlessly blush as his mind went blank from being purely nervous on whether he should be thinking the thoughts that currently circulated through his very mind. 

Like right now, as (Y/n) found himself seated on a bench in the city next to the crime scene of the dead Seacucumber devil recently killed by the Blood Fiend, Power, whilst in the company of Denji and Justin. Now, it wasn't the fact that he currently found himself on a bench in the city that caused his mind to fight back against certain thoughts and emotions. Instead, it was the very thing that suddenly pulled the attention of not only (Y/n), but Denji, Justin, and Power. The sight of their boss, Makima, also seated on the bench before them. But instead of taking the empty spot next to her fiance, she decided to sit on his open lap. A spot she was quick to take after shoving him down onto the chair moments earlier. 

It was this sudden pressure on his lap from Makima's rear, mixed with the not-so-subtle movements she'd give from wiggling her hips every few seconds, that currently brought (Y/n) to a silent state as he nervously looked down the side, a blush clearly on his face, as Makima claimed her rightful place on her lover's lap. Something she wanted everyone to see! Especially the three troublemakers standing before her. The smile on her face showed the hidden terror behind it, directed at the three, while also showcasing how much she enjoyed claiming the only seat that mattered in this entire world. Something she was not shy to strive away from, even with her boyfriend's silent mutters into her ear as Makima continued to stare at her subordinates before her.

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