Chapter 6 'Ticket For One'

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[Alright, so last chapter was the first two-part plot point of this story and it was really to test out how such aspects would be handled in this story and its...Kinda up in the air. Even so, I planned to end this small ARC here so we'll be able to get straight into the chapter and continue this deranged, creepy, and wildly unknown story!]

[Your POV]

--February 4th: 10:15 A.M.--

When I was younger I would always enjoy going to the movies. Whether it was the buttery popcorn, the soda that just tasted out of the world compared to the canned stuff, or just being able to see amazing pictures move on a screen that was fifty times my own head. It all marveled me. I was filled with joy whenever my Dad would take me to one. 

But...In recent years, I haven't even come near places like it. 

So who knew the next time I did, it'd be to fight a real monster. I think the surprise I felt from such a situation must have spawned onto my face. Because as my eyes wandered across the various posters that decorated the walls of the narrowed hallway that led to the theatre's front service area, my gaze was abruptly pulled away by a familiar voice.


(Y/n): "Huh?"

A simple shift in my head was all it took to see the face of Himeno covered with slight confusion. If I was being honest...I still couldn't quite believe within the span of a single week I already had two friends that I felt somewhat connected to in a way. The fact they were both girls only added to the matter...Not because I thought they were hot or anything! Like, they were hot! A blind man who state as much, but, like...You know...It was just nice. 

Unfortunately for me, the previous look of surprise on my face which caused Himeno to grow confused must have taken a drastic turn to complete disaster as my thoughts were corrupted by how I thought Himeno and Makima were hot. The way Himeno immediately snorted out a sudden wave of laughter seemed to prove such.

Himeno: [Giggles] "Everything alright, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n): [Blushes] "Uh...Why are you laughing?"

I could feel the wave of red cover my face.

Himeno: "Look--" [Giggles] "I'm sorry. But when you turned to me you just..."

Himeno was unable to finish her sentence before thunderous laughter flooded the narrow hallway we currently found ourselves in. When I realized that was all Himeno intended to do, I adopted a disgruntled look on my face as I lowered my head. The eyes of Kishibe, Yuki, Aki, and Qaunxi just pondered the scene, some smiled...Others didn't. But as this happened, the only person walking behind the group, was Makima. Who made no noise whatsoever as she witnessed the scene before her.

[Makima's POV]

...I can't take my eyes away. Why? There's nothing dangerous about him talking to Himeno. So why do I feel worried for (Y/n)? It's the same feeling I felt in the car when (Y/n) spoke about Himeno. But why would I feel jealous about it? Was...Was it because I finally felt like I had a friend in (Y/n), and now all I want to do is return this offering of friendship to him...Only to have Himeno pull him away from me?  Well...Not anymore! It may have held me back in the past, but I won't let anything hold me back from what I want the most. 

As my mind came to realize that simply giving up was no longer an option, I was filled with a wave of determination. So much so I did something I didn't often do when around people...I smiled. I realised that if I wanted to acquire the one thing I had been longing for, for so long, I'd have to step passed what was holding me back and venture into the unknown. And that goal was standing right in front of me.

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