Hot Steel Fingers In The Chill Zone

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Thanks for all the votes and stuff, really appreciate it!
I'm so sorry it took me this long to update (again!) but this story is actually one of my older ones and I'm rewriting it next to my new ongoing stories.
Add that to the fact that I also have a life in the real world, and we can conclude that I just have too much work and too little time.
But I will continue working on this story, no worries.

Again, thanks for your support!
Means the world.


"Whoa. Remind me to never get Modo really mad at me", Vinnie breathed while throwing a doll that was an exact replica of him on the floor of the garage, although this one had a huge smoking hole in its chest.
It had been Kiwi's idea to make dolls looking like them, knowing all too well that Limburger would put Modo to the test once he agreed to come work for him.
It hadn't been really hard to figure out that his first assignment would probably be to kill his two beloved brothers, all to make sure he was fully devoted to him now.
"Yeah well, just so long as Limburger bought it", Throttle said, looking at the dolls with a frown on his face.
It was actually kind of hard to believe that the fish was this stupid.
After all, Martian Cave Mice were known for their unwavering loyalty.
They would rather die than switch sides.
But so far, it seemed that their plan was working.
A little confirmation would be nice.

"Whoa is right", Kiwi breathed as she joined them, staring at the damaged dolls with her blue eyes wide open.
It was then that Modo drove inside the garage, and all three gave him a look that was full of anticipation.
"And? How did it go?", Kiwi asked the moment he removed his helmet, and Modo shrugged a little helplessly.
"Well, it seems like he bought it. But he ain't taking any chances. I need to work for him at least a month before he'll give me the arm. And he still doesn't trust me enough to share his plans."
Kiwi thought about it for a second, but then she shrugged, too.
"I suppose that's fair given your history. So now what?"
Modo stared at his hands resting on the crankcase of his bike before releasing a sigh.
"He's having a masked ball tonight. Everyone who matters will be there. He'll do everything to pursue them to say yes to his plan."

His voice sounded different than usual.
Less... deep, and Kiwi leaned a little closer as she studied his face with mildly narrowed eyes.
If anything, he looked deeply unhappy about all this, but she supposed no one could blame him for that.
To take orders from your biggest enemy, to just do everything he tells you to do after fighting him for so long...
She couldn't even imagine how hard that must be, especially for a Martian Cave Mouse.
They were proud by nature, and yet, here he was.
Working with the enemy for the greater good.
And just like that, her respect for Modo grew even bigger, as far as that goes.
"Well, you're gonna need a suit then", she smiled, straightening her back, and Modo looked up, a blush clearly visible under his grey fur.
"Yeah, and uhm... Well, Limburger agreed to bring someone with me. So, I was wondering... Do you wanna be my escort tonight?", he stammered with fits and starts, his ears twitching in unease.

Kiwi's eyes grew big, and without even really realizing it, she looked at Vinnie, who looked very... tense , all of a sudden.
However, against all odds, he said nothing.
He just looked back at her from under his lashes, his red eyes burning with something she had no idea what it was.
Feeling very uncomfortable under his intense gaze, Kiwi looked back at Modo, who now suddenly realized what was happening here.
" Oh ! No, not like a date! Just to be my partner in crime, Kiwi ma'am", he quickly said, his one eye flashing towards Vinnie and back to the human girl standing across from him.
Looking back at him, Kiwi felt a pang of rejection and relief at the same time, but she quickly gave herself a mental shake, severely annoyed that she was always feeling so much at the same time.
The fact that most of the time it didn't even make sense to her didn't really help with the matter, but she managed to put on a happy face either way.
"I would love to be your escort. Let's get you ready, big guy."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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