Delicacy Is The Word Of The Day

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Vinnie's characteristic battle cry echoed through the streets as the white-furred mouse hurtled towards a puddle of oil, pushing his beloved cherry-red racer to its limits in his determination to win.
When he reached it, he hit the brakes and turned his bike, making it slide through the puddle before he stopped, his tire only inches away from the empty soda bottle that stood at the end of it.
He cheered again and bent over to draw his initial in the oil with a crayon.
"YES! I beat Throttle! I'm the baddest mamma jammer this side of Beetlejuice!", and he pumped his fist in the air, beside himself with joy.
Throttle and Modo, who were standing a few meters back, waved back at the hyped-up white-furred youngster.
"You better smoke him, or we'll never hear the end of this", Throttle muttered out of the corner of his mouth, still waving with a fake smile plastered on his face.
Modo scoffed confidently.
"No sweat, parts. Nobody beats me with Brodies and Bottles."
Finally done with bragging from a distance, Vinnie decided to drive him and his ego back to his bros.
"Man, I can't believe Kiwi missed out on such a monumental triumph!"
"No worries, Vinman. After you tell her what happened in all its colorful details which I know you will, I'm sure it feels like she's been there", Throttle sighed a bit tiredly, already knowing what Kiwi was awaiting once she arrived at the scene.
"Yeah, and I'm sure she'll wish she wasn't", Modo muttered under his breath as his one eye searched the still-empty street.

It was the day after their little adventure in the Pits, and after a good night's sleep, Kiwi had suggested bringing the crane truck back to its rightful owner.
Since recent events were still fresh in everyone's memory, but mostly the mice's, they had insisted on escorting her.
However, when they were only halfway, Vinnie was already haunted by boredom and after yelling something along the lines of 'Last one at Mike's is the loser of the year!', he kicked his bike into overdrive and disappeared in a cloud of exhaust fumes.
Despite that it might be called childish, Throttle and Modo couldn't stand another defeat after what happened in the Pits, and thus, they immediately started the pursuit, leaving Kiwi muttering behind.
Unfortunately, Vinnie's little head start turned out to be not so little, and thus he won.
And of course, he had no trouble whatsoever reminding them that he did for the next five minutes.
When Modo saw that Throttle's left eye started to twitch behind his glasses, he had suggested playing a little game of Brodies and Bottles until Kiwi was here, knowing that was one game he was bound to win, which would most definitely put an end to Vinnie's continuous bragging.
And so it happened.

After one last look over his shoulder, only to find out that Kiwi wasn't here yet, Modo revved his bike and with a big smile on his face, he performed the same trick as Vinnie, except that his rear tire gently tapped the bottle without knocking it over.
The grey-furred giant's smile grew even bigger, and he used his laser to carve his initials in the asphalt.
Vinnie folded his arms with a scowl from one oversized ear to another.
"Yeah, well, that's because I cleared the track for ya."
Throttle let out a smoky laugh, as always highly amused by seeing how bad of a loser his young bro was, and he looked over his shoulder when he heard a honk in the distance.
"Well, tell that to Kiwi. Here comes the lady now."
As it was slowly becoming a habit, the upcoming presence of their human friend was enough to brighten up Vinnie, and he too looked over his shoulder with a big smile.
"Cool! And when she gets here, I'll take another shot and then...", he babbled excitedly, but no one would ever know whatever he was about to say next, for it was this moment that things went horribly wrong.


Still tired from yesterday's events, Kiwi yawned behind the wheel of the crane truck, but then, finally, she saw Mike's place in the distance.
Three figures on bikes stood close to the entrance, and a small smile curled her lips when she saw that her friends were okay.
Another yawn was about to escape her mouth when she let go of the gas, all to slow down in time so she could make the turn onto Mike's property without too much trouble.
The yawn, however, got stuck in her throat when she suddenly realized that she wasn't slowing down, not even a little.
What the...
She slammed her foot on the brake pedal, but much to her utter shock, that didn't work either.
Just like the wheel wasn't responding as well.
What the hell?!
Almost hysterically, she kept putting on the brakes, but to no avail and she raised her blue eyes, only to see that she was speeding towards the mice, and there was nothing she could do.
Oh shit.
Instead of abusing the brake pedal, she now whacked the claxon over and over again, hoping the mice would take the hint and just move aside before this truck would flatten them because she knew it would.
The thing was still driving around 37 miles per hour, after all.

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