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The room silenced before it swiftly descended into chaos. Questions flew from mouths far faster than they could be answered, but I stood silent. A thought that had invaded my head could not leave. Pylia would not survive the raid.

Tears pricked at my eyes, but I held them back. I had to be strong, for Pylia. But I had always been weak. That was practically the reason I had been exiled, after all. I was too incapable to even hold my tongue. And now, the consequences had been made clear. Would her death be on my hands?

No, I hadn't caused the raid. I was a light user, not a shadow user. But I could've brought her with me. I could've saved her. I can save her. I knew about the raid! I could inform her, and she could escape! But the Eclipse was only a matter of days away. Would I make it?

I had to try.

"Take me to the Lux faction," I demanded. My words echoed throughout the room, silencing even the smallest of murmurs. Atlaster's blue eyes pierced into mine, silently questioning my request.

"That's exceedingly dangerous, and I can't take you there without reason. Do you have a proper—"

"My best friend is in there, and I already abandoned her once. I'm going to find her, I am merely asking that you provide directions." He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"You know that if you don't get there in time, it's likely you'll die, right?" I nodded firmly, fists tightly closed.

"Fine," he said, a twinge of regret prominent in his voice, "I'll give you directions, on one condition. I must accompany you."

For the second time this morning, I made a deal.

- >><< -

Atlaster shoved a few final things in his satchel, telling me that each random item was necessary for the rescue mission we were going to attempt. I was sure that he was exaggerating, but I didn't question it, as he was practically my guide and protector.

"You don't have to come with me, y'know. I can navigate the faction far better than you can. Besides, it's dangerous." He only shook his head, too stubbornly kind to refuse to assist me.

"You may know your way around those streets, but you're in the Haven now. There's a wide forest out here, and you're lucky you even found this place so quickly when you first arrived. It's going to be a lot more rough, so be prepared." I nodded as he slung a satchel over his shoulder, gesturing for me to follow him downstairs.

We exited the house where we were swarmed by countless citizens, projecting their anxious inquiry onto Atlaster. He brushed them aside by reassuring them, saying, "This is only a brisk task. We are getting in and out, nothing more. I leave my authority with Kaseko, and I trust that she will make the right decisions."

The light user nodded as Atlaster ended his speech, pushing the growing crowd back and shouting her firm demands.

"Wait, are you their... Leader?" I questioned, still unaware of the type of hierarchy members of the Haven had developed.

"Yeah? Did you not know?" I shook my head and he let out a laugh of disbelief. Our conversation was interrupted, however, by a citizen squeezing through the crowd. Kaseko allowed him to draw near to us, and I soon saw why.

Nearyx burst through the mob with a smile, his arms held out. "Atlas, my boy! What's this whole adventure you're going on? You didn't even think to invite me?" Atlas—as Nearyx had called him—scoffed, but embraced the boy with a smile.

"There's a reason for that."

"Mind if I tag along?" He slung his arm around both of our shoulders, connecting us all. I tried to subtly squirm away but his grip was tight, and I couldn't help but remember what I had seen that night. He was corrupt, bearing nothing more on his bones than the clothes he wore. And Atlaster had no idea.

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