Chapter 13

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When I focus again on Kayla, she lifts her eyebrows with a smug smile on her lips.

"Stop!" I give her a pointed look that has zero effect on her. "He drove me straight home after we went to my father's place, so he's bringing me a car now."

"I'm not saying anything." She takes one last sip of her coffee as she stands up. "Let's get going. It's rude to make him wait."

"I'm serious, Kay! Don't say anything stupid in front of him." I link my arms with her as we leave the coffee shop and walk back to my building. I won't put it past her to try to set me on a date with Tyler.

"I'll just say one last thing, then I'll shut up." She pauses, holding both of my shoulders.

"As if..." I murmur, making her roll her eyes.

"Look, you've put everyone you love first your whole life, sweetheart. That's what you do. But now you have a nice guy clearly wanting to spend time with you. Maybe you should—""

"He's probably just after sex," I cut her off.

"And what if he is? Sex is great!" She raises her eyebrows. "I'm not saying for you to fall for him, just for you to enjoy whatever it is between you too. And if you feel it in your heart, you should enjoy a night together, why not?"

"Again! You're making it sound too simple, Kay." I give her a small smile, but deep down I wonder if she's right.

"Because it is, honey." She nods, looking away for a second. "I was with Paul for months before we had sex and I lost my V-card." She brings her eyes to me, and I hate that he still affects her. He was her first, and I was pretty sure they'd stick together after they went to college.

"Paul is..." I sigh, trying to find the right words to describe him.

"A great guy, right? But one day, he decided I was not what he needed anymore." She shrugs, the perfect mask of indifference going to place every time we talk about him.

"What are you trying to say?"

"That nothing in life is guaranteed. So why not enjoy the heck out of it while we can? And trust me, sex is definitely one of the best ways to do it." She links her arms with me again, making me snort.

"You're impossible, girl." I bump my shoulders with her, a giggle leaving my lips.

Only a short time ago, I was ready to crawl into bed and cry myself into sleep. And now here I am laughing with one of my favorite people in the world while entertaining myself with thoughts of Tyler and sex.

It's not like I'm waiting for marriage or anything. It's just that it never really happened. I had a couple of boyfriends when I was in high school and went on a few dates here and there, but I've never felt like having sex with any of those guys.

But now, as Kayla and I approach my building and I see Tyler casually leaning against my car, I keep trying to remember why I shouldn't get involved with him.

He's changed from his workout clothes into a pair of jeans and an untucked white dress shirt that is opened at the collar and rolled up at the sleeves. He looks like he's ready to conquer the world and it affects me in ways I'm embarrassed to say.

As if sensing our gazes on him, he turns our way and his eyes lock with mine. I see the corner of his mouth twitch into a smile and my lower belly tightens. The attraction between us is undeniable. I just have no clue how to go about it.

"Want me to pick up your jaw, girl? You're drooling," Kayla whispers, her shoulder bumping to mine.

"Shut up," I clear my throat, making sure my jaw is in place.

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