Chapter 6

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Monday morning comes in a rush, and I find myself in front of Tyler's MMA gym. I still don't know what I'm doing here, but I guess it really doesn't hurt to check things out, right? After all, I promised Kayla and him I'd be here.

Leaning on my car door as I take a sip of my caramel macchiato, I let my eyes roam over the Audax Martial Arts's exterior. I remember the buzz when it first opened, but never really paid any attention to it since I've never been into MMA or any other kind of fighting activities.

I have to say I'm impressed, though. With its big off-white walls and massive tinted windows, the place oozes elegance and power. Much similar to its owner, I'd say.

Sighing, I aimlessly start scrolling through Instagram when I see Kayla's face pop up on my screen. "You're fifteen minutes late," I answer the call. "Please tell me you're on your way."

"Please, don't kill me but one of our suppliers screwed with an important order, and grandpa dear is ready to kill me," she rushes to explain. Her grandparents own a small flower farm two hours south, and Kayla has been helping them manage it for a few years now. It's one of the most beautiful places I've seen, and I know how much work it is.

"Remind me to never agree to your craziness on a Monday morning again." I sigh, looking for a place to throw my empty cup so I can leave.

"I'm so sorry, Andie. I promise I'll make it up to you." I hear the remorse in her voice and let out a small smile. I know how work has been crazy for her lately.

"It's okay. I need to run some errands nearby anyway..." I walk to a trash can near the entrance, hearing Isaac's voice in the call's background.

"You're the best, Andie. I'll call you later," she says before hanging up.

Throwing my cup away, I text Colby, saying I'll meet him and Bruce for lunch to talk about my new role at the bar.

A second later, I hear Tyler's voice in front of me and my brows shoot up.

"You came," he says, removing his aviators from his eyes and hitting me with his intense brown eyes.

"Oh! Hi, uh..." I clear my throat, looking around as I try to think of an excuse to leave.

"Let me show you around." He motions to the door, without really giving me a chance to say no.

"Right! Yeah... Sure... How are you doing?" I force a smile out of my lips as my mind tries to conjure possible ways to kill Kayla.

"Glad you're here, actually. I was not sure you were coming." He holds the door open for me, and I feel my cheeks going hot.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt to check things out, right?" I shrug, mimicking his words from the day we met.

He smiles, his eyes shining with a mix of curiosity and humor. "Let's get inside."

As we stroll through the gym, I'm genuinely impressed by its interior, which lives up to the promise of its eye-catching exterior. One side of the space is dedicated to an impressive array of weight machines and various exercise equipment, all neatly organized.

Turning my attention to the opposite side, I'm greeted by a striking sight – around thirty punching bags, suspended in a strategic layout. They invite fitness enthusiasts to unleash their energy, and the rhythmic thuds of punches and kicks create a dynamic soundtrack to the gym's vibrant energy.

The thoughtful design of the gym becomes clear as we seamlessly transition between different workout zones. The layout caters to diverse preferences and fitness goals, which seems to allow members to tailor their experience based on their individual needs.

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