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Isabelle Skyla Oliver

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Isabelle Skyla Oliver

The sun had almost fully set by the time we made it back to the house and Maddox had grown on me tremendously.

Especially when he offered me a piggy-back ride back to the house. This time my head was actually above his and it was like my whole world-view changed.

Everything was so much nicer from up here.

"Are you hungry?" Maddox asks me, setting me down on the step outside the back door.

"Not really, where's Theo?" I follow Maddox's lead taking off my muddy shoes and leaving them by the kitchen door. I take in the kitchen area, it was fairly neat and tidy but there were obviously people living in this space. There were dark cabinets with a white countertop, the fridge was littered with pictures, calendars and post-it notes.

"Let's go find him." I followed him through the house taking in as many details as I could. it was a far cry from our old house in Canada that was for sure. It was weird to think Theo lived here for a couple years before I was born, this was his home once too.

Now it was my new home.

Theo, Roman, Finley and Noah are all sitting looking far too serious in a cozy-looking lounge. They were spread around a massive l-shaped couch but none of them looked comfortable.

Roman looks up and when he catches my eyes he gives me a small smile before scanning me up and down to make sure I am unharmed. "Did you have a good walk, Isabelle?"

"Yes, thank you." I looked at Theo who looked a little miserable, I felt a bit bad. I had left him to deal with all the hard-talk things by himself as I went out and enjoyed myself.

I think both Roman and Maddox caught onto the fact that Theo was reaching his breaking point for the night so Roman stood up to show us the way to our new bedrooms while the other three brothers stayed downstairs.

"Am I in my old room?" Theo asks softly, more curious than anything. His eyes were trained on a door that must have been it.

"Do you want to be?" Roman questioned gently. Theo looked conflicted, not knowing how to answer. "Why don't you see inside it first, we haven't had time to set it up yet, it looks like a guest room but no one has stayed in it since you."

A frown forms on Theo's forehead but he nods along anyway. Roman opens the light-coloured wood door revealing the room. The room is exactly what Theo would have picked for himself. The walls were a dark grey, almost black. He had a massive bed in the middle of the room with a duvet that was a slightly lighter grey but still a charcoal colour with a blue undertone, and a fluffy blanket the same colour as the walls were spread over the end of the bed. Above the bed hung a painting of a mountain scape in various shades of oranges and greys but the best part of the room was out the window, his room overlooked the lake that was on the side of the house.

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