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What is faith?

To some:

A delusion wielding power,

A trump card when life comes.

Crashing in mercilessly,

Like a tidal wave,

That first morning light,

Butting through the dark of night,

Imagery, manifested,

Human resiliency personified,

At the behest of our minds.

To others:

The very embodiment of courage,

A leap of faith, smothered in fear,

A manifested power,

Born from nothing,

But carrying everything,

Pure essence of higher divinity,

Spread into the cosmos,

Granting us unending prowess,

Latent deep within our spirit.

A feathered rose,

Soft as pampered skin.

A rugged cactus,

Bathed in barbed wire.

Your mind is a gateway,

Your heart is a bridge,

Your soul is home,

Be it you,

In touch,

Or millions of miles away,

Regardless of where life is going,

Despite of your current path,

Your thoughts and human desires,

Regardless of what cards you hold,

What do you believe in?

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