The green eyes

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I see you,

Within the multitude.

As scattered lives,

Happy written faces,

In the midst of unending joy,

Pass amongst our crosshairs.

In an amusement park,

Overflowed with excitement and joy,

Your clear green eyes

Told a different story.

You wallowed in your sadness,

As the ride you had gotten on,

Alongside your friends was in motion.

The machine spun around on its axis.

As it began to swerve,

Left and right,

The momentum,

The swaying,

Sent shivers down my spine.

But a small second of excitement,

We chase on this brief life,

Is provided for here in a subtle way.

We gravitate to such places,

In search of a momentaneous thrill,

A second of joy, in another wise

A monotonously written life.

Our daily affairs never move as quick,

The linear tasks we carry never sway us,

Side to side, tilting our insides,

Causing us to inevitably smile or scare.

In this ride, we all felt the same,

But you,

You, who were surrounded,

By the glistening rays of the afternoon sun,

Blinded by the decreasing orange hue,

Of the beautiful evening,

In a laugh frenzy, overflowing amusement park,

Amongst all the movement,

Amongst all the jovial laughter,

You remained the same.

A sad face,




As tears slowly came down your face.

Not a smile gestured,

Not a laugh uttered,

As the ones enjoying the ride

By universal accordance,

Bathed in blissful harmonious joy.

You remained the same,

A sad face, holding on to a friend,

Awaiting the end of a ride,

We wished would last longer.

Sooner than naught,

The ride had ended,

And with one last look,

I went on about my day,

Leaving you behind.

I hope you smile again.

Green eyes.

-The Green eyes

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